Human Resource Management in North-Caucasus Federal University

Bachelor’s program, Master’s program


Majors: Human Resource Management (Bachelor’s program), Labor Economics and Human Resource Management (Master’s program)


Department of State and Municipal Management and Labor Economics


Svetlana Kaliugina, Head of the Department
+7 (8652) 95-68-00, ext. 48-31


Accreditation. The program successfully underwent state accreditation in 2020.

Awards and achievements. The institute established a specialized department of Zakroma, the region’s largest employer. The researchers implement RFBR grants the themes of which reflect the content of the educational program.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 47 teachers, including employers representing HR offices of enterprises and government authorities (15%), Doctors of Sciences having awards and certificates from regional authorities and competition and exhibition winner’s certificates (20%). The researchers from the universities of Russia and the Czech Republic are engaged in the teaching process.

Facilities and resources. Classrooms are fitted with multimedia equipment, computers and software. Students have access to Russian and international electronic library systems, online learning platforms, legal and analytical systems, and a large video library.

Education. Student study offline, and the university actively develops blended (hybrid) learning, where classroom setting is supplemented by online formats. Teachers use interactive teaching methods such as workshops, master classes, business games, project
sessions, brainstorming, real case study, work with tutors, workshops, integrated graduation theses, project championships.

Research aims to study current issues in social development and HR management. Students take part in implementing research grants and state and municipal contracts as well as implement their social projects and the projects of the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Competitive advantages. Graduates develop competencies allowing them to work both at commercial organizations and HR offices of state and municipal organizations and authorities. The program is delivered with the participation of the Stavropol Territory Government, Southern Federal University, Prague Advanced Training School (Czech Republic). The university delivers the joint Master’s program with the partner university Southern Federal University and the double degree program with Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan). Students participate in academic mobility as part of the program exchange modules. Training focuses on mastering modern human resource management concepts, methods and technologies.

Employers and employment. High demand for graduates is confirmed by their employment by organizations such as Concern Energomera, the Stavropol Territory Government, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stavropol Territory, Sberbank, Zakroma, and others.
