Information Security in Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Bachelor’s program, Master’s program


Majors: Computer Systems Security (Bachelor’s program), Intelligent Tools for Site Security (Master’s program)


Institute of Cyberphysical Systems, Department of Information Security


Sergei Bezzateev, Head of the Department

+7 (812)494-70-77


Accreditation. State accreditation. Professional-public accreditation.

Awards and achievements. Students get the Russian President and the Russian Government Scholarships. They are winners of the Infoforum in the Student of the Year category, the contests held by the Committee for Science and Higher Education of the Saint Petersburg Government, prize-winners of the student research paper contests held by the Federal Academic Methodological Association for Higher Education for the integrated area of majors and fields of study 10.00.00 Information Security, winners and prize-winners of FutureSkills competitions.

Teaching staff. The department staff consists of teachers as well as visiting information security practitioners. The department employs two Doctors of Engineering Sciences. Seventy six percent of the department teachers hold academic degrees and (or) academic titles. All teachers carry out research, teaching and guiding and (or) practical activities relevant to the major they teach, and 26% of them work for relevant organizations.

Facilities and resources. The Department of Information Security has its research laboratories: computer network security, information security software and hardware, shelter automated sys-tems, corporate systems of information protection from internal threats, technical information protection.

Education. The department provides intensive training for information security specialists. The issues of unauthorized access software protection, quantum computing, and postquantum cryp-tography are studied.

Research. The promising research areas are post-quantum cryptography, distributed cryptographic protocols, steganography methods, development of anti-noise data coding methods to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. Researchers publish research papers, speak at research conferences, register computer programs.

Competitive advantages. Students participate in research and design and experimental projects with top Russian and foreign partner companies such as Infotecs and Infowatch, which promotes deeper learning and using the project-based learning model.

Employers and employment. Graduates can get a job at information security companies and in the IT industry, including Kaspersky Lab, InfoWatch Company Group, InfoTeCS, Rubin Re-search Institute, Selectel, Gazinformservis, Polycom Pro, Gazpromneft-Nefteservis, and others.
