Pedagogical Education (Two Majors) in State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Bachelor’s program
Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of History, Management and Service, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics,
Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Technology
Tel. +7 496 615-13-30
Awards and achievements. Since 2014 the program has been listed among the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies is ranked among "The Best Universities of Russia" and is listed on the National Register of "Leading Educational Institutions of Russia."
Teaching staff. Most teachers have postgraduate qualifications and all of them are actively involved in the implementation of research projects with the support of grants from the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and other research foundations. Among the teachers are laureates of minor RAS awards including the Makary Prize, RAS contests and science and innovation awards. Teaching staff also include Academicians of the RAE, the Russian Academy of Natural Science (RANS), the International Teacher’s Training Academy of Science, Vice-President of the Russian Dostoevsky Society, and members of editorial boards of leading Russian publishing houses.
Facilities and resources. The university has all the necessary resources for efficient delivery of the educational program and students' recreational activities.
Research. Professional and personal training of teachers in the context of the modernization of education; the development of professional special needs education in the Moscow Region (a project of the Moscow Region's Ministry of Education); phenomenology of contemporary childhood; regional aspects of teaching Russian language and literature; the Moscow Region's School of Social Inclusion Volunteers project, ridge model of the region's need for teachers; WorldSkills Russia; methodological support for graduate demonstration exams; and the Regional Volunteer Center of the Abilympics Movement (Moscow Region).
Education. Teachers use Russian and Finnish mathematics teaching methods, context- and project-based learning strategies, and flipped classroom.
Strategic partners. Research institutions of the RAS and the RAE; top universities of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tver, Yaroslavl, and various universities in Belarus, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, China, and France.
International projects and programs. The university cooperates with foreign partner universities under international academic exchange agreements. Students win grants for free education abroad from DAAD, Erasmus+ and Stipendium Hungaricum.
Competitive advantages. Highly qualified teaching staff, innovative teaching methods, academic exchange opportunities, participation in worthy causes and public awareness campaigns.
Assistance and support for international students and teachers are provided by the assistant to the Rector for International Affairs (tel. +7 963-625-66-01) and the head of the Russian Language Testing Center for International Visitors (tel. +7 917-540-47-32).