Technology of Light Industry Products in Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Bachelor’s program
Technology of Footwear and Fancy Leather Goods major
Institute of Textile and Fashion, Department of Design and Technology of Leather Products named after Professor A.S. Schwarz
Liudmila Lobova, Head of the Department
+7 (812) 388-90-74, (812) 387-33-22
Accreditation. State accreditation (2018).
Teaching staff. The department is represented by highly qualified specialists, including Doctors and Candidates of Engineering Sciences. Industry representatives such as heads and leading specialists of footwear and fancy leather enterprises of Saint Petersburg are also engaged in the teaching process.
Facilities and resources. The department has a technology laboratory, materials science and chemical laboratories, and a modeling laboratory. The department comprises the innovation center that conducts research on 3D technologies in footwear production.
Education. Students use specialized computer programs for 2D and 3D design of leather products, CAD programs for footwear technology processes. Students learn how to use a modern 3D scanner and 3D printers, and a laser plotter.
Research. Students have an opportunity to conduct research on technological and performance properties of 3D printed footwear components, modern thermoplastic materials for inner soles, counters and toe boxes, composite materials, research on the improvement
of glue adhesive bonding to difficult-to-bond materials of shoe bottoms using UV irradiation and other high-technology methods.
Competitive advantages. The university is a monopolist in the training of specialists for footwear and fancy leather enterprises in the North-West of Russia and the acknowledged leader among seven industrial universities of Russia. For several years the department
organized the Leather Products Design Olympiad and the Podium of Success creative contest so that creative young people could communicate with the employers to promote authors and their ideas.
Students and graduates constantly participate in creative contests such as Admiralty Needle, Shoes-Style, conferences and exhibitions such as Fashion Industry and Import Substitution in Light Industry.
The teachers conduct original courses on designing haberdashery and leather goods of different designs and advance training courses for the industry representatives.
Employers and employment. The university graduates are employed as directors and chief specialists at most Saint Petersburg firms. The best-known firms are the Skorokhod children’s footwear factory, the orthopedic footwear factory (a branch of Moscow Prosthetic
and Orthopedic Enterprise of the Ministry of Labor of Russia), the Moderam Engineering and Manufacturing Company, TOPPER Company, the Federal Scientific Center of Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after G.A. Albrecht of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Mercury non-standard shoe factory, the L-Сraft leather haberdashery factory, and many others. The department maintains close cooperation with all enterprises.