Department of Electric Power Engineering
Bachelor’s program

PORTNIAGIN, Aleksei Leonidovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Since 2013 this program has been recognized as one of the best programs within the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.
Teaching staff. All teachers have basic education and perform research and methodological activities. They include three Doctors of Sciences and nine Candidates of Sciences. They constantly improve their qualification undertaking work placement at oil and gas enterprises or at industry-specific educational institutions.
The department’s research work is its priority activity. The teachers have many publications such as scientific articles in central editions and patents.
University partners within the educational program. The main partners of the department are Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and Ufa State Petroleum Technical University.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students of all years of studies annually participate in and win various international, all-Russian and regional scientific contests, conferences, olympiads, as well as creative festivals.
Many alumni have become leading specialists at enterprises of Russia, the CIS countries, and other foreign countries.
Facilities and resources. The department has all required facilities and resources for all kinds of laboratory and practical classes, students’ research work. The laboratories have state-of-the-art stands and equipment. Students are accommodated in comfortable dormitories.
Opportunities for students. Training is provided in the following majors: Electric Power Supply; Electric Drive and Automation. All internships are undertaken at the premises of leading enterprises of the region such as Siberian-Urals Energy Company, LUKOIL, the Tyumenenergo grid distribution company, the Surgutneftegaz oil and gas company, the Fortum energy company, the NK Rosneft oil company, and others. After completing the internship students can be employed. The best students can be eligible for enhanced stipends and/or personal scholarships.
Employment prospects. Electrical engineers and power engineers: worker performing operating management of hydro electric power plants/ pumped-storage power plants, operator of power system protection equipment of hydroelectric power plants or pumped-storage power plants, worker performing electrical power distribution and transmission metrological support, worker performing cable power lines maintenance and repair, worker performing overhead transmission lines maintenance and repair, worker performing electrical substations equipment service.