Department of Railway Transport Heat Power Engineering
Bachelor’s program
Master’s program

MINAEV, Boris Nikolaevich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The educational program underwent professional-public accreditation.
Teaching staff. At the moment the degree-granting department employs three Doctors of Engineering Sciences, Professors, eight Candidates of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professors, four Assistant Professors, one laboratory chief, one principal engineer.
University partners within the educational program. The main partners are heat power engineering departments of transport universities and heat power engineering companies, and the Railway Transport Research Institute, the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Railways company, Power Engineering Institute named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, Moscow United Energy Company, thermal engineering departments of some Russian universities.
The teachers of the department improve their qualification at heating stations and enterprises of the Moscow United Energy Company heating networks, at railway transport power departments and facilities, participate in scientific research in cooperation with the Railway Transport Research Institute and the Power Engineering Institute named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky.
Alumni’s achievements. The university alumni are in demand on the labor market. Most of them are employed within their degree field in Moscow and in other cities and population centers of Russia with an opportunity for career advancement up to the level of heads of industrial enterprise power facilities, the housing and utilities sector, heat power engineering companies.
Facilities and resources. The department laboratories are equipped with theoretical benches and have necessary equipment. The department has its own ECM classroom and an access to all computational resources of the university. Non-resident students are accommodated in a dormitory.
Students take an active part in research activities, in sports and cultural life of the university.
Opportunities for students. In addition to mastering professional disciplines, students can attend intensified courses in foreign languages to undertake study placement abroad. In the area of student practical training the department cooperates with Moscow United Energy Company and relevant institutions of the Russian Railways company. Students also undertake their internships at regional heating stations, in boiler houses with water-heating and steam boilers, at central heating power plants and heating network enterprises, at housing and utilities sector facilities, etc. Bachelors can pursue a Master’s degree.
Employment prospects. Heat-and-power engineer, structural engineer, production engineer, researcher, computing engineer, design engineer, engineer and heat power equipment operator, installation and checkout work foreman.