Department of Industrial Power Supply
Bachelor’s program

KORNILOV, Gennadii Petrovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program of the course in Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering (Power Supply), was top ranked by the national project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia 2017.
The Bachelor's program in Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering is also offered by the Department of Automated Electric Drive and Mechatronics.
Teaching staff. The Department of Industrial Power Supply, which deliver the program, employs four Professors, Doctors of Engineering Sciences, and nine Associate Professors, Candidates of Engineering Sciences. Young lecturers of the department, namely Iu.N. Kondrashova, O.A. Gazizova, and A.V. Malafeev, are the winners of the contest “Nadezhdy Rossii” (Prospects of Russia). Senior lecturer and postgraduate student I.R. Abdulveleev has received awards granted by the Russian President and the Russian Government. Professors Karandaev and Khramshin have received the Russian Government’s Award granted in science and technology. Four representatives of the department are the members of the Dissertation Council.
University partners within the educational program. Among the program partners there are backbone enterprises of Magnitogorsk, including Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Magnitogorsk Energy Company, the Gorelectroset power supply company, Severstal, Gasprom.
Students and alumni’s achievements. The program graduates are employed by industrial enterprises, design companies, power supply organizations, in the agricultural sector. Upon graduation 95% of graduates find employment within the sector. One of the department graduates is Iu.P. Zhuravlev, Electrical Superintendent of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Throughout the study period students take an active part in the Case-In annual engineering competition held by the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System of Russia.
Facilities and resources. The department features state-of-the-art computer laboratories which make it possible to look into steady and transient conditions of power networks and power supply systems of different configurations including in-house power stations. Students can simulate protection relays and automatic breakers and learn more about electrical safety.
Opportunities for students. Students of the department have an opportunity to participate in the international mobility action under the Erasmus program and study in Saint Etienne (France) for one or two semesters. This program is implemented within the cooperation agreement signed between Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University and the Higher Institute for Advanced Iechnologies of Saint Etienne. Practical training is carried out in the shops and subdivisions of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.
Employment prospects. Electrician, electrical engineer, electrical installation person.