Best Educational Programs: ANIMAL SCIENCE
Faculty of Technological Management
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

BELIK, Nikolay Ivanovich
Dean of the Faculty
Programme presentation. The Faculty carries out training of highly qualified personnel for Russian agro-industrial complex. The educational activity in “Animal Science” has been conducted since 1930. Since then more than 7000, students have obtained di-plomas of zootechnicians and zooengineers. Material and technical facilities include the academic and laboratory building, vivarium, horse-riding school (20 horses), sports complex “Kolos” (
Training of specialists in three research areas is carried out within the Postgraduate and Doctorate programmes. In 2014 the study programme “Animal Science” underwent state accreditation and international public accreditation by the National Centre for Public Accreditation.
Teaching staff. There are 35 staff members including 1 Academician and 2 Corresponding Members of the
Competitiveness of students. At present, at the Faculty there are 5 holders of personal grants including the grants of the RF President and the Governor of the Stavropol Region. About 82% of students participate in research work in the Student Research Society. Many of them are winners and prize winners of international, national and regional contests for the best research work among students, postgraduates and young researchers of the HEIs of the Ministry of Agriculture in the nominations “Agricultural Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, “Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products” and the programmes U.M.N.I.K and START and have grants and medals of the exhibition of Research and Technical Creativity of Youth.
Interaction with employers. Every year the educational programme is proved to be consistent with strategic partners – the leading agro-industrial regional companies on the base of which the student training is realised. Leading specialists of these companies are involved in the educational process and the Final State Attestation.