Institute of Life Sciences
Master’s programme

SHIPULIN, Valentin Ivanovich
Head of the Department of Meat and Canning Technology
Programme presentation. The Masters’ curriculum in the programme “Milk and Dairy Products Technology” includes teaching several courses in English. The infrastructure of the education process is very well established: over 50% of the material and technical lab-oratory facilities have been recently renewed.
As a result of active involvement in Tempus-Tacis and Bridge programs, and membership in ISEKI Food Association, the University has established long-term cooperation agreements with EU partner-universities. These include
Teaching staff. High level of academic and research activity is confirmed by numerous diplomas and medals awarded to the teaching staff of the Meat and Canning Technology Department and Applied Biotechnology Department. Thus two of the products developed and launched into production by the teaching staff of the Department were among “Top 100 Russian Goods”.
Fundamental and applied research into this field is carried out by the representatives of the scientific school “Life Sciences” under the supervision of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Researcher of the Russian Federation, Professor A. G. Khramtsov and Professor I.A. Evdokimov (supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation НШ 7510.2010.4).
Competitiveness of students. Students enrolled in the programme are actively involved in research work through the participation in conferences, youth festivals of science on the regional, All-Russian and international levels. After the graduation students have skills and competences well demanded at the enterprises of food and processing industry of the agricultural sector, Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare, higher education and research institutions training students in food and biotechnologies.
Interaction with employers. Employers are actively involved in updating the study programme, participating in events aimed at training skills and competencies of young professionals.
Master students undergo on-the job training and pre-degree apprenticeships at the leading Russian, Belorussian, Lithuanian, Czech meat and dairy enterprises, such as JSC Dairy Enterprise “Stavropolsky”, JSC “IpatovskySyrodel” (Stavropol Territory, JSC “Sochinskymyasokombinat”, LLC Meat Enterprise “Olympia” (Georgievsk) and some others.