Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Soil Science in Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

Bachelor’s program, Master’s program


Majors: Agroecology (Bachelor’s program), Soil and Ecological Monitoring (Master’s program)


Institute of Agroecological Technologies


Viktoriia Keler, Director


+7 (391) 247-23-14


Accreditation. State accreditation (2021), professional-public accreditation (2020).

Achievements. The program was recognized as one of the best educational programs of innovative Russia in 2022. Over the years, the institute has trained thousands of specialists. Among the graduates are not only the agribusiness heads at all levels and specialists of agricultural enterprises but also scientists – Doctors and Candidates of Sciences.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 17 Professors, Doctors of Sciences and 35 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors. The academic degree holders ratio is 84%, including 31% of Doctors of Sciences, Professors. Two-thirds of the institute’s teaching staff holding academic degrees and titles graduated from Krasnoyarsk SAU.

Facilities and resources include 16 educational and scientific laboratories, two computer classrooms, an innovation center, and an experimental field with an area of 70 ha.

Education. Students gain fundamental knowledge of the patterns of genesis and expansion of soils, modern methods of study, evaluation of their agronomical properties and features, special features of evolution under the influence of human economic activities, the system of measures preventing topsoil degradation, agrochemistry of essential nutrients, mechanisms of their accumulation and transformation, uses of fertilizers.

Research. Soil, agrochemical, agro-environmental R&D aimed at rational use and preservation of agricultural landscapes when manufacturing agricultural products. Development of environmentally friendly technologies for plants product processing and soil fertility recovery. Development of theoretical models for prediction of the impact of fertilizers and chemical ameliorants on soil fertility, yield and quality of agricultural crops and environmental safety of agricultural landscapes. Development and improvement of measures to protect soils from erosion and other kinds of degradation. Competitive advantages. The institute trains multi-skilled specialists for rural areas in all natural and climatic zones of Eastern Siberia.

Employers and employment. The objects of professional activity of graduates are agricultural landscapes, soil and its fertility, plants and their protection, fertilizers, chemical ameliorants, food and drug safety, and others. At production site, graduates conduct environmental impact assessment, soil, geobotanical, agrochemical, environmental investigations of lands and soil and agrochemical mapping. Graduates work at cadastre centers, the Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Department, the Forest Protection Center, ecology and natural resources management departments of municipal and district administrations in the region, expert laboratories of enterprises, and research institutions (Institute of Forest SB RAS, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, and others).

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