Applied Informatics in Volga State University of Technology
Volga State University of Technology
Department of Information Systems in Economics
Faculty of Economics
Bachelor's program, Master's program

URAZAEVA Tatiana Alfredovna
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. This educational program successfully underwent state accreditation in 2018. The quality of the programs implemented by the university complies with the standards and criteria established by the National Centre for Public Accreditation and is compatible with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-ENQA). Since 2015 students have been participating in the program "New Human Resources for the Military-Industrial Complex."
Teaching staff. The educational process is implemented by the highly qualified teaching staff including four Doctors of Sciences and 11 Candidates of Sciences. The academic degree holders rate is 85%. The staff of employing organizations such as the Mari Machine-Building Plant, Semiconductor Device Factory, the UNISYSTEMS software company, the Federal Tax Service Directorate, and other organizations is engaged in the educational process.
Facilities and resources. The lecture halls and computer classrooms are equipped with projectors and state-of-the-art PCs, Russian and foreign licensed software. Students have access to the university corporate network and the internet.
Research. The department staff conducts research in the following areas: theory and methodology of risk modeling for complex economic, political and engineering systems; econometric modeling and forecasting in socio-economic systems; digital transformation of state, business, society; development of data analysis methods and machine learning in modern digital economy. Research is conducted in the priority development areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation.
Education. The teachers use state-of-the-art educational technologies: multimedia lectures, business games and role plays, the project method, etc., state-of-the-art software from the leaders of the IS design sector. The practical training facilities comprise the banking sector, information environment, the tax office, large, medium-sized and small enterprises and organizations, state administration bodies, financial, economic and analytical subdivisions of enterprises and institutions of all forms of incorporation including the development and marketing departments of private firms and associations, IT departments of banks and insurance companies, investment and pension funds, innovative companies.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Mari Machine-Building Plant.
Competitive advantages. The teaching staff is highly qualified. The university boasts a great number of facilities and resources and uses advanced innovative educational and information technologies. Practical training facilities have been effectively developed. Graduates are in great demand on the labor market.