Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering (Master's program) in Dagestan State Technical University
Dagestan State Technical University
Department of Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering
Master's program

ISMAILOV Tagir Abdurashidovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The program underwent professional-public accreditation in 2015. The level of graduates' professional competence was highly appreciated by power organizations and enterprises of the region.
Teaching staff. The department employs 15 teachers including two Doctors of Engineering Sciences, nine Candidates of Engineering Sciences, one Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences as well as the leading power industry specialists who have research experience. Some disciplines are taught in the laboratories of the specialized department at the enterprise (the Dagestan branch of the RusHydro energy company).
Facilities and resources. The university established research laboratories and specialized centers such as “Electric Machinery and Electric Motor Drive,” “Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering,” “Electric Circuit Theory,” “Metrology,” “Electronics and Electrical Engineering,” “Thermoelectric Devices,” the research centers “Energy Saving Technologies and Smart Metering in Power Industry” and “State-of-the-Art Electronic Elements and Technologies.” The university also established the specialized departments at the enterprises of the Dagestan branch of the RusHydro energy company.
Research. The main research areas include the following: energy complexes, engineering and process engineering solutions, advanced technologies of energy accumulation and storage, safety and reliability of power facilities, power efficient solutions in hydro- and heat power engineering, renewable energy sources, etc.
Education. Besides conventional technologies, project technology and problem-based dialogic learning technology are used. Academic year projects focus on research tasks of real production.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI," Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University), Southern Federal University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and others.
International projects and programs. The university participates in the International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes,” the International exhibition "Measurements, World, Person," and many other events.
Competitive advantages. The program is a unique, innovative and practice-oriented program developed in accordance with the international standards in the field of power industry, in particular, in the renewable energy sector. The university boasts unique highly qualified teaching staff including project management specialists in the field of power industry and expert practitioners.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. Foreign students are placed in an effective learning environment that helps them acquire as much academic knowledge as possible.