Pedagogical Education (Two Majors) in State University of Humanities and Social Studies

Bachelor’s program


Majors: 18 majors (full-time and extramural studies)


Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of History, Management and Service, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Informatics, Faculty of Physical Training and Sports, Faculty of Philology

Rector’s Office
+7 (496) 615-13-30


Accreditation. State accreditation certificate: series 90А01 №0003565, Reg. №3349 of March 13, 2020 valid till March 13, 2026.

Awards and achievements. The Pedagogical Education program is listed annually among the best educational programs of Russia. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies is ranked among the Top 100 universities according to RAEX, among “The Best Universities of Russia” and is listed on the National Register of “Leading Educational Institutions of Russia.”

Teaching staff. Among the teachers involved in the educational process are 31 Doctors of Science and 86 Candidates of Science engaged as Professors and Associate Professors. Every year more than 50 monographs and educational and methodological guides and around 900 research papers are published, including over 100 papers in journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Russian Federation.

Facilities and resources. The university has all of the facilities, resources and laboratories necessary for efficient delivery of the educational program and students’ recreational activities. Students have access to federal learning resources.

Education. Much attention is given to practical training of prospective teachers. The model of continuing teaching internship (from the 1st to the 5th year of study) is implemented, virtual internships are conducted. Students always interact with the leading teachers of the
Moscow Region. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies maintains productive cooperation with foreign partner universities under the international academic mobility agreements.

Research. There are six scientific schools of mathematics, philology, archeology and history, pedagogy and psychology, engineering sciences, physical education and sports. Over the years, the scientific schools have trained 15 Doctors of Science and 47 Candidates of
Sciences. Research is supported by grants from the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the Department for Humanities and Social Studies of the RFBR, and other Russian and foreign research foundations.

Competitive advantages. The university maintains close relations with the scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education and top Russian universities. It also maintains ongoing international cooperation with
educational institutions in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, China, France, and other countries.

Employers and employment. Every year more than 80% of graduates become teachers and educators in the southeast of the Moscow Region. High-quality training creates the opportunities for the faculty’s graduates to gain employment at some of the top schools in
the Moscow Region (Top 100, Top 50).

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