Technology and Design of Textile Products in Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design



Institute of Textile and Fashion, Department of Technology and Design of Textile Products

Bachelor's program, Master's program


IVANOV Oleg Mikhailovich

Director of the Institute, Head of the Department

Achievements and awards. Since 2016 this educational program has been recognized as the best by experts as part of the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.

Teaching staff. Training is provided by the teaching staff of the degree-granting department including three Professors, Doctors of Engineering Sciences and five Associate Professors, Candidates of Engineering Sciences. The directors, chief engineers and leading specialists of textile and light industry enterprises of Saint Petersburg are also engaged in the teaching process. Over the years of the department's existence teachers and employees have published more than 1,100 scientific papers, more than 30 textbooks and monographs and have obtained more than 300 certificates of authorship and patents for inventions. Many of them are awarded certificates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The specialists of the department are engaged as experts to consult industrial workers and employees of educational organizations.

Facilities and resources. The educational process is implemented in specialized rooms with state-of-the-art equipment and devices. The university created a favorable environment that helps students master the disciplines: there are laboratories, modern computers, measuring devices. The classes are also conducted at leading specialized enterprises of the city with the department branches.

Research. Senior students join in research activities, become co-authors of articles and inventions, prize winners of conferences. The promising research areas include the following: yarn and thread production using modern fibers; structural development and production technology of decorative and industrial fabrics; developments in the field of tufting floor coverings (flooring roll) and production of flocked materials (fleece-finished materials for various purposes).

Education. The classes are conducted using both traditional (lectures, laboratory and practical classes) and interactive teaching methods.

Strategic partners. The university is a monopolist in training of specialists for textile enterprises of the North-West of Russia and the acknowledged leader among seven sectoral HEIs of Russia. The university graduates are employed as directors and chief specialists of most Saint Petersburg textile firms. The best known firms are the Sergei Kirov Spinning-Thread Plant, Zeus, Nika, Uzor, Red Lighthouse, Neva Taft, Red Thread, and many others. The department maintains longstanding creative cooperation with all enterprises.

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