Designing of Light Industry Products (Sewn Products) in Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Institute of Textile and Fashion, Department of Design and Technology of Sewn Products
Bachelor's program, Master's program, Design of Sewn Products major

SURZHENKO Evgenii Iakovlevich
Head of the Department
Current position in rankings. The university is ranked 11th among HEIs of Saint Petersburg and 50th among HEIs of the Russian Federation according to Forbes. The university was ranked 14th among technical HEIs according to quality monitoring of state-funded enrollment in Russian HEIs in 2018 and 42th according to the Ranking of Demand for Higher Education Institutions in the Russian Federation-2018.
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the highly qualified teaching staff including one Professor, 24 Associate Professors, Candidates of Sciences. The representatives of apparel and related industries are also engaged in the teaching process.
Facilities and resources. The educational process at the department is implemented in specialized rooms for garment construction, technology of sewn products, apparel production equipment. The university has a learning sewing laboratory with basic general-purpose and special-purpose sewing equipment and computer classrooms with the equipment for automated clothing design systems. The department has all the necessary equipment for anthropometric, design and production research for clothing design and manufacture.
Research. The department carries out research and development in the following areas: improvement of design methods for special and industrial overcoat for various labor and climatic conditions; development of computer technologies for clothing design and manufacture; improvement of different-purpose clothing design methods and manufacturing technology taking into account properties of materials.
Education. The teachers use state-of-the-art educational models and technologies including the point-rating system for assessment of learning outcomes, conduct master classes with the involvement of leading specialists of the industry, classes in the form of business games and role plays on design of apparel industry products.
Competitive advantages. Students can choose a product line group of miscellaneous products (women’s, men’s or children’s clothing; special-purpose clothing; stage costumes, leather products, etc.) and perform a full project design of these products with manufacturing of samples in material; have an opportunity to take an additional training course at the education center of textile and clothing according to the author’s programs (three-dimensional clothing design, mastering the packages of application software programs used when designing clothes, etc.). Students have an opportunity to undertake study placement at the universities of Great Britain, Germany, France, Finland, and other European countries.