Technology of Printing and Packaging Production in Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Institute of Technology of Higher School of Technology and Energy
Bachelor's program (Technology of Packaging Production major), Master's program

LORENTSSON Aleksandr Valentinovich
Director of the Institute
Current position in rankings. The university is listed among leading HEIs in the Printing and Packaging study field group - it was ranked third among Russian HEIs in 2017 (Quality monitoring of admission to Russian higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
Teaching staff. Today the department is represented by the highly qualified specialists including two Professors, Doctors of Sciences, five Associate Professors, Candidates of Sciences as well as Senior Teachers and Assistants.
Facilities and resources. In partnership with the Ilim Group, the leader of the forest industry complex of Russia, as part of the largest innovative project “Larch,” the department established the unique laboratory facilities that allow the teachers to carry out academic and research activities on a fundamentally new technical basis.
Research. The department conducts basic and applied research in the following areas: creation of biodegradable composite materials based on added-value wood processing products; development of high-quality chalk-coated paper production using hardwood pulp; system analysis of formation of aluminum-containing sewage pollutions at manufacturing sites.
Strategic partners. The department actively cooperates with large Russian and foreign universities such as the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk), Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). It maintains close relationships with the Ilim Group; Svetogorsk, Kondopoga, Balakhna, Kama, Bratsk, Sukhonsky, and other pulp and paper mills, with Saint Petersburg Cardbord and Printing Mill, the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill, with numerous paper factories including the Goznak enterprise, with Russian and foreign firms, construction, design and research organizations.
International projects and programs. The university has a representative office at the Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UNO (FAO UNO). This committee is the only entity of the United Nations Organization that develops strategic issues in the timber complex development. The university has also concluded an agreement on the implementation of joint double degree Bachelor's programs in the field of environmental protection with South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences.