Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

The main image of the article
Bachelor's, Specialist's, Master's programs
Advanced Engineering School “Medical Engineering School”
students pursuing Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degrees
residency programs
PhD programs
residents and PhD students
international students

Pirogov RNRMU is a leading medical university in the Russian Federation that trains physicians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, and research staff.

RNRMU is the only Russian medical university that was assigned a category of National Research University.

VK – @rnimupirogov
Telegram – @daily_2med

Tuition fees for the 2024/2025 academic year

Bachelor’s and Specialist’s programs 350,000 – 950,000 RUB
Master’s programs 150,000 – 450,000 RUB
Residency programs 520,000 – 550,000 RUB
PhD programs 410 000 – 450 000 RUB
Preparatory department  – 160,000 RUB
(crash course)/ 320,000 RUB (year)

*Tuition fees for the 2025/2026 academic year can change

Educational programs

Specialist’s programs

  • General Medicine RU, EN
  • Fundamental Medicine RU
  • Pediatrics RU
  • Dentistry RU, EN
  • Pharmacy RU
  • Clinical Psychology RU
  • Employment Psychology RU
  • Medical Biochemistry RU
  • Medical Biophysics RU
  • Medical Cybernetics RU
  • Fundamental and Applied Biology RU

Bachelor’s program

  • Social Work RU

Master’s programs

  • Psychology RU
  • Sociology RU
  • Social Work RU
  • Biology RU
  • Bioengineering Systems and Technologies RU
  • Special (Defectological) Education RU
  • Law RU


State-funded places:

  • Bachelor’s and Specialist’s programs – 1652
  • Master’s programs – 86

The application process starts on June 20, 2025

Application deadline – July 15, 2025

Exams – July 11-25, 2025

Applicant page

Consultations on admission and document preparation

+7 (968) 926-72-21 (WhatsApp)

Admission Department

Head of the Department

Elizaveta Korotkaya

+7 495 434-31-74

Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Director of the Institute of Global Medicine

Nadezhda Bylova

+7 903 763-13-97

The opportunity to enroll on a fee-paying basis/for free

Foreign citizens, stateless persons and compatriots living abroad are entitled to higher education in Russia.

  • Under the paid educational services agreements
  • In state-funded places (for free)
  1. The Russian Government scholarship (quota)
  2. On equal terms with Russian citizens according to the international agreements
  3. Compatriot support program

Entrance exams

Bachelor’s/Specialist’s/Master’s programs

  • computer-based testing 

PhD programs

  • entrance exams (offline)

Residency programs

  • computer-based testing (offline)

You can prepare for entrance exams using practice tests

Pirogov Olympiad in Chemistry and Biology for Students of 9–11th Grades and College Students

Taking into account individual achievements

Preparatory Department

Complete course (10 months) – 320,000 RUB

1st semester:

  • Russian language (general linguistics course)

2nd semester:

  • Russian language (terminology)
  • Studying the major subjects taught in Russian, such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Social Science, and History

Crash course (4 months) – 160,000 RUB

  • Russian language (general linguistics course and terminology)
  • Studying the major subjects taught in Russian, such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Social Science, and History

Preparatory courses for foreign citizens

Continuing professional education: Digital Environment for Doctor Comfort (training is free)


  • Highly qualified academic staff
  • Specialist training in narrow fields: Medical Biochemistry; Medical Cybernetics; Medical Biophysics
  • Practice-oriented training
  • State-of-the-art training equipment
  • High-quality clinical facilities
  • International cooperation

Head of the Department
Erica Galstyan

+7 (495) 434-10-44


International medical practitioners can undertake on-the-job training at the leading healthcare and scientific centers of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. At the moment, more than 500 programs are ready for delivery at the leading healthcare centers in Moscow.

You can apply and familiarize yourself with the list and description of internship programs at interdoctor.org


Graduate employment

  • Healthcare institutions (outpatient clinics, hospitals, private clinics, emergency, resort houses, military hospitals)
  • Pharmaceutical companies, institutes, laboratories, drug manufacturing
  • Development of medical programs, artificial intelligence in medicine, healthcare management

You can submit your documents in person or in electronic format via the university’s electronic information system.

Ahmad, Saudi Arabia

I did not consider applying to a Russian university at first because I planned to study abroad. But when I talked to my friend who studied in Russia, my plans changed. Everything went smoothly, and I am happy with my decision now. Over five years, I’ve fallen in love with Moscow and its residents. In the future, I plan to advance at an international level, but Russia will always be my second home country. Pirogov University unites students of various ethnicities, helping everyone unleash their potential.



Pirogov University offers tutoring services for students:

  • Group tutors. Senior students help first-year students adapt during their first year of study.
  • Academic tutors teach classes in five subjects: Anatomy, Histology, Chemistry, Biology, and Topographic Anatomy.
  • Dormitory tutors – students who help adapt to life in the dormitory.

Council of Student Communities

Student life

  • Research activities
  • Student scientific society that includes 99 science clubs
  • Volunteer projects, donor movement, culture schools, and sports and tourist clubs

Pirogov University implements exchange programs with international universities that allow students to compare health systems, study modern treatment methods, participate in patient diagnosis and treatment, interpret research findings, and observe surgeries and medical manipulations.

The university cooperates with research institutes, educational institutions and healthcare organizations in the CIS and BRICS countries and other foreign countries.

Dias, Kazakhstan

I chose Pirogov University because it is one of the leading medical universities in Russia where you can gain high-quality knowledge and become a traumatologist. I plan to work in Russia as I can see the opportunities for professional growth here. I realize that studying is hard, but I am ready to face any challenges to achieve my goal.

More testimonials “Come to Russia for Knowledge”

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