
The image for an article
№ 4 (10) 2021
South Ural State University. Master's degree
South Ural State University is one of the Russian higher education leaders, the region's center for innovative development in Digital Industry, Material Science, and Ecology.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
PhD degree. Postgraduate education
For some majors, there is postgraduate education for deeper immersion in future professions. PhD degree is the final stage of higher education for academic staff training.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Specialist Degree. Training Of Specialists In A Particular Major
Specialist degree is an academic degree traditional for Russia. It offers extensive education within a particular major, which is an apparent advantage.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Master's Degree. In-Depth Training In The Field Of Study
A Master's degree allows you to deepen a specialization in the chosen field. When choosing a Master's program, you should gain an insight into the university's research potential.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Bachelor's Degree. Training Of Multi-Skilled Specialists
It is the first degree of higher education. Graduates obtain a certificate. Bachelor's degree is self-contained and offers you an opportunity to get officially employed within your degree field. It also allows you to pursue a Master's degree.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
From Applicant To PhD Student
The Russian higher education model is similar to European standards. However, it has its specific features. Along with the Specialist degree, a traditional form of higher education for Russia, there is a two-tier system.
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