English-taught programs
institutes and 1 faculty
A classical university in Kabardino-Balkaria and one of the largest universities in the North Caucasus.
It provides a wide range of fields of study and majors in medicine, physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, social sciences and humanities, engineering and IT.
KBSU is included in the list of Russian universities offering degrees recognized in the Arab Republic of Egypt (in Dentistry and General Medicine).
VK – @kbsu_ru
Instagram – @kbsu.official (Meta is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia)
Tuition fees per year
70,000 – 180,000 RUB
Enrollment campaign
- The results of Unified State Exams, winners and prize-winners of international and all-Russian Olympiads for school students
- Entrance exams are held in Russian but can be held in national and foreign languages, if necessary
- Offline and online
- Special classrooms with the necessary equipment and technical aids for people with disabilities
Information for applicants
The Admission Office works from mid-June till November every year
Doors open days – January-May
How to submit documents
- In person (if the epidemiological situation is favorable)
- Using public postal operators’ services
- In the KBSU applicant’s personal account
- Using the Admission to the University Online superservice on the State Services portal
Personal account for international applicants
Uniform portfolio requirements
- Identity document (documents), document confirming citizenship, photo
- Document confirming previous education and (or) qualification
- Mandatory pension insurance certificate
- Taxpayer identification number certificate
- Documents confirming the applicant’s individual achievements (if any)
- Other documents (medical certificates, military identity card)
Admission Office
+7 8662 42-27-79
+7 8662 42-22-40

Academic and research laboratory

The Elbrus educational and scientific complex of KBSU
PreviousNextAreas of knowledge
- Mathematics and natural sciences
- Engineering
- Technology and engineering sciences
- Healthcare and medical sciences
- Social sciences
- Education and pedagogical sciences
- Humanities
- Art and culture
- 32 academic and research laboratories
- 4 research equipment sharing centers
- 9 international laboratories
- 1 business incubator, technology transfer center
- The Elbrus educational and scientific complex
- Botanical garden
- The Caucasus culture and education center
- Boiling point
- 200,000,000 RUB for research papers (2020-2021)
- 382 publications in Scopus and WoS
- 3,329 publications included in the Russian Science Citation Index
- 60 patents
The KBSU Center for Progressive Materials and Additive Technologies holds top positions in Russia in the field of new materials.
KBSU is the largest platform for the socio-cultural development of young people in the region. Over 25% of students and 4% of young people of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are members of student associations and participants of volunteer movements.
KBSU is the owner of the largest infrastructure in the region. The university intensively introduces digital services into all areas of its activity. The Safe University system and the energy resource management system are used on campus.
students from 42 regions of Russia
international students from 45 countries
The university has an agreement on cooperation with TechnoSpark Company Group of Rosnano Corporation as part of the program of internships for senior students and mastering of key technology entrepreneurship competencies.
In collaboration with ITV|AxxonSoft company, the university implements the program for IT personnel training, from school to further employment at the company.
In collaboration with Composite company of Roscosmos State Corporation, the university introduces new composite materials based on superconstruction polymers.
Career Development Center
- up to 96% of employed graduates depending on the field of study / major
- 1,000 organizations and enterprises are practical training and internship facilities
- Comprehensive support for students and graduates in internships and work placements, career planning, and employment assistance
- Active cooperation with employers and business community – ITV Group, Sberbank, educational, medical, and other organizations