Department of Industrial Machinery Design

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


IVANTSIVSKY, Vladimir Vladimirovich

Head of the Department


Programme presentation. Training within this study programme is carried out using the latest CAD/CAM/CAE systems of the world’s best producers.

In order to establish contacts with the leading national and international HEIs the teaching staff of the Department annually run the International Scientific Conference “Important Issues in the Machine Building Sphere”. Among the partner universities are KuzbasStateTechnicalUniversity, AltaiStateTechnicalUniversity, Institute of Physics of Strength and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of RAS, TomskPolytechnicUniversity, WilhelmLeibnizUniversity in Hanover (Germany), BelarusianNationalTechnicalUniversity.

Teaching staff. The teachers of the Department provide high-quality training and research in line with the best national technical schools. The teaching staff includes five Doctors of Technical sciences, four professors, 16 Candidates of Technical Sciences.

The teaching staffs go on exchange visits both to the leading Russian universities and foreign universities of Hanover, Siegen (Germany), Turin (Italy), Helsinki (Finland), Vienna (Austria), Harbin Institute of Advanced Technology (China). The members of the teaching staff regularly do research into various subjects and actively involve students in these activities.

Competitiveness of students. Within the International Summer School, students are provided with the academic mobility opportunities at the universities of Germany, in particular at the Rhein Main University of Applied Sciences. The number of student holders of the state academic scholarships is growing from year to year. The best students are awarded the RF President or RF Government grants.

Interaction with employers. The companies employing graduates of the University in the given major are enterprises of food industry: JSC “Novosibirsk Refrigerating Plant”, JSCˇ “Novosibirsk Meat Canning Plant”, JSC “Bread Association Vostok”, JSC “Novosibkhleb”; companies specializing in machine building sphere: Industrial Association Sever, JSC “Novosibirsk Tool Making Plant”, JSC “Siblitmash”, etc.

In accordance with the decrees of the Government of Novosibirsk Region “On the Target Contractual Training”, the Department jointly with the industrial enterprises provides training in individual education programmes.
