Department of Materials Science and Construction Materials Engineering
Bachelor’s programme

KOVENSKIY, Ilya Moiseevich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. Bachelors in “Materials Science and Technology” can apply the obtained knowledge and skills at the enterprises involved in the production and processing of metallic and non-metallic materials, in research institutes and HEIs. The educational programme is focused on technological, design and managerial paths. To ensure modern level of education the laboratories of the Department are equipped with a complex of high-resolution devices including electronic microscopes, X-ray diffractometers, spectrometers, etc., which allow to study materials at the atomic level. Additional professional training in the working profession “Inspector of Materials, Metals, Semi-finished Products and Items” is organized at the Department.
Teaching staff. Among the teaching staff, there are Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, professors, authors of textbooks and monographs, winners of international and Russian grants, who have long-term experience in education and training of materials specialists. All teachers have been trained in leading Russian and foreign universities (
Competitiveness of students. Students and postgraduates are repeated winners of various contests and Olympiads, recipients of personal scholarships and grants. More than half of the graduates continue their education in the Master’s programme “Materials Science and Technology (in Mechanical Engineering)”. The best students enter the postgraduate programmes in “Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals” and “Materials Science”.
Interaction with employers. Business contacts are established with such companies as CJSC NPC “Sibneftegazdoagnostika”, JSC “ZAPSIBORGRES”, JSC “Tyumen Machine Tool Plant”, CJSC “Tyumenremdormash”, CJCS “Lider”, LLC “Geotron”, JSC “GMS Neftemash”, JSC “Tyumen Plant of Medical Equipment and Instruments”, PII JSC “Gazturboservis”, LLC “Oilfield Equipment”, JSC “Tyumen Battery Plant”. Representatives of employers attend the defence of graduate qualification works. The branch of the Department is established at LLC “Tyumenstalmost”.