Department “Machines and Equipment of Chemical Plants”
Bachelor’s programme

KONYGIN, Sergey Borisovich
Chair of the Department
HEI’s image. Education and training within the programme “Technological Machines and Equipment”, which is highly demanded in the region, is carried out at the Department “Machines and Equipment of Chemical Plants” of the
Graduates show a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of designing and operating equipment for oil and gas processing enterprises. For many years, the major department has prepared over 3000 specialists many of which have become production administrators, technical managers, researchers and leading specialists of the industry.
Programme presentation. This educational programme provides an opportunity for self-realization in industrial and technological, organizational and managerial, research and design activity. A graduate, who works as a mechanic at an enterprise of the industry, produces, assembles, operates and repairs the equipment of oil and gas processing plants, chemical plants and oil treatment plants. The work in the industry design organizations is connected with the preparation of design, regulatory and technical documents.
Classes are held in computer classrooms and the following specialized laboratories: “Technological Machines and Equipment”, “Design and Calculation of the Industrial Equipment”, “Pumps and Compressors”, “Corrosion and Protection of Metals”, “Technical Diagnostics”. During the period of training students are placed for training and work experience in the leading oil processing companies and design institutes of the Samara Region.
Teaching staff. The educational process at the Department is provided by highly qualified teachers including three Doctors of Technical Sciences, seven Candidates of Sciences as well as experienced manufacturing specialists.
Competitiveness of students. Over the years, the graduates of the Department are distinguished by good professional skills, which allow them to work successfully at the enterprises of oil and gas processing industry and in design institutes of the Samara region. Among these companies there are JSC “Kuybyshevsky NPZ”, JSC “NovokuybyshevskyNPZ”, JSC “Syzransky NPZ”, LLC “NovokuybyshevskyZavodMasel I Prisadok”, JSC“Samaraneftekhimproekt”, JSC “Giprovostok-Neft” and others.