Applied Informatics (Master's program) in Dagestan State Technical University
Dagestan State Technical University
Department of Economic Security, Taxation and Business Informatics
Master's program

SHAKHBANOVA Inara Kadirovna
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The educational program underwent professional-public accreditation in 2015. The Department of Economic Security is the winner of the All-Russian contest of departments and educational programs "Economics and Management."
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the highly qualified teaching staff including five Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors, four Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors as well as the leading specialists of the national economic complex sectors, that systematically improve their qualification, undertake work placement and internships at enterprises, organizations and educational institutions, and at the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining.
Facilities and resources. There are three computer classrooms, state-of-the-art computer equipment laboratories with relevant software and internet connection. The university has the Center for State-of-the-Art Information Technology with a supercomputer (the HPProliant computer cluster).
Research. The main research areas include the following: development and creation of automated information systems in financial management, prediction of socio-economic problems in the Republic of Dagestan, development of design solutions of high practical significance in students' graduation theses, subsequent implementation of design solutions at the enterprises under study.
Education. The teachers use state-of-the-art educational models and technologies: visualization lectures, round tables, discussions, brainstorming, designing, games, simulation exercises, case study.
Strategic partners. In its teaching and guiding, scientific and manufacturing activities the university maintains business relationships with research institutes, leading Russian HEIs, enterprises and organizations of various sectors of national economy including Tianjin University (China), Alfred Nobel University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine), Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Ukraine), Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Kazakh National Agrarian University, University of Economics-Varna (Bulgaria), P.O.Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Belarus).
Competitive advantages. The university boasts highly qualified teaching staff and unique equipment. Students have an opportunity to get supplementary education and choose an individual educational path.