Informatics and Computer Engineering in Industrial University of Tyumen
Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Production, Department of Cybernetic Systems
Bachelor's program

KUZIAKOV Oleg Nikolaevich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The program was awarded the Gold Department of Russia diploma by the
In 2017-2018 this educational program was ranked among the leaders of the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.
Teaching staff. The staff consists of the highly qualified teachers having wide scientific, teaching and production experience. Training is provided by four Doctors of Sciences and 19 Candidates of Sciences, four Assistant Professors. The leading specialists of IT enterprises are invited to join the teaching staff.
Facilities and resources. The department has four learning and research laboratories, four specialized laboratories, four well-equipped multimedia classrooms, and seven computer classrooms. The unique installations include foreign training and laboratory facilities such as National Instruments PXI, Metso DNA, Motorola Moscad, Festo MPS 203 IT, Festo TP802 as well as the training and laboratory radioelectronics bench Unitron-003 developed at the Research and Development Center of Electronics and Laser Technology of Industrial University of Tyumen. The most important equipment includes Intel Core i5 PC (the registered learning and research IT laboratory (the Arsenal+company)), training and research facilities such as Network Security and Intranets.
Research. The department develops the following research areas: simulation modeling of transport systems; the use of intelligent techniques in pattern recognition; mathematical modeling of physical processes; mathematical models, methods of analysis and management in corporate networks.
Education. The format of practical and modular training is implemented.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with gas production companies such as Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym, Gazprom Dobycha Surgut; the Transneft Siberia oil transportation company, the Antipinsky Refinery, the Neftegazproekt oil and gas research and design institute, the Tyumen Vodokanal water utility company, GMS Neftemash, an oil equipment supplier, the Tyumen Pribor automation company, the Vira Realtime automation company, the ASU Tehnologia design and installation company, the Gazprom Geologorazvedka exploration company, the Promoil gas company, the Vector engineering and production company, the Gazprom Transgaz Surgut and the Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk gas transportation companies, the Gazprom Proektirovanie design and engineering company, the Urengoygorvodokanal water utility company, the NOVATEK-TARKOSALENEFTEGAZ oil and gas company, Uralkali, a leading producer of potash, Siberian Internet Company LLC, the Tyumen Cardiology Center.
International projects and programs. The university has concluded a cooperation agreement with Valmet Automation. They maintain cooperation in the field of education and science, creation of the single information academic environment of the university and company, etc.
Competitive advantages. Specialists in this field are in great demand on the labor market.