Informatics and Computer Engineering in Volga State University of Technology
Informatics and Computer Engineering
Volga State University of Technology
Department of Computer Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering
Bachelor's program, Master's program

MIASNIKOV Vladimir Ivanovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. This educational program successfully underwent professional-public accreditation. Students participate in and win the UMNIK contest. The student circle for robotics and controller programming participates with its developments and is awarded diplomas in numerous all-Russian and international contests and olympiads: the International Olympiad "IT-Planet," the International Robotics Festival "Robofinist," the All-Russian competitions in robotics design and prototyping, the All-Russian Olympiad in Controller Programming, the All-Russian Youth School for Robotics, Machine Learning and Computer Vision, the All-Russian contest of breakthrough projects in the field of IT technologies "IT-Breakthrough."
Teaching staff. The academic degree holders rate at the degree-granting department is 85% (one Doctor of Sciences, 11 Candidates of Sciences). The teaching staff includes heads and leading specialists of specialized enterprises (the Chromatech gas chromatography equipment manufacturer, the Avtograf computer company, the Rodel website design and promotion company, the Aksioma research and production company), and certified WorldSkills experts in the Network System Administration competency.
Facilities and resources. The program is supported with relevant educational materials and information resources. The teachers use state-of-the-art specialized learning laboratories (the laboratories of electronics and circuit engineering, microprocessor systems, network technologies, digital signal processing) and regional specialized enterprises.
Research. The research areas include the following: development of structure and software of chromatographical units and suites for measuring annular space of oil extraction units; functional and structural organization of software and hardware for rapid processing of cache information in data storage systems.
Education. The program provides continuous training for Bachelor students in the following areas: circuit engineering, development of embedded microprocessor systems, LAN administration, robotics, network technologies.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Mari Machine-Building Plant, the Chromatech gas chromatography equipment manufacturer, companies such as Avtograf, Rodel, Aksioma.
Competitive advantages. A high level of training, taking into account particular characteristics of regional specialized enterprises, makes specialists sought-after on the labor market and guarantees their employment and significant career growth. Such specialists are in great demand among numerous enterprises of the republic.