Best Educational Programs: VETERINARY MEDICINE
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Specialist’s program

SLESARENKO, Natalia Anatolevna
Teaching staff. The educational process is delivered by the staff of ten departments and the veterinary innovation center, and representatives of veterinary institutions.
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology offers some more best educational programs in the field of Agriculture and Fishery:
FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT - Bachelor’s program, Master's program
ANIMAL SCIENCE - Bachelor’s program, Master's program
Academy partners within the educational program. The faculty concludes target specialist training agreements with employers helping graduates with further employment.
In 2016 the faculty and the Technical University of Denmark signed a memorandum on joint implementation of the educational twinning project for training of veterinarians.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. The outstanding alumni of the faculty are M.I. Guliukin, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after Ia.R. Kovalenko; S.V. Sereda, President of the Russian Association of Veterinary Practitioners, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, a holder of the title of Honored Veterinarian of the Russian Federation, and others.
Students and alumni of the faculty are winners of the Moscow Skilled Workers competition in the categories of Best Future Veterinarian and Best Young Specialist of the State Veterinary Service of Moscow.
Facilities and resources. The classes are given in museums (the Museum of Anatomy, the Museum of Parasitology named after K.I. Skriabin, the Museums of Pathoanatomy, Pharmacology, Microbiology), at the academy branches (major research institutes, laboratories, veterinary clinics and modern agroindustrial enterprises), the Veterinary Innovation Center equipped with state-of-the-art devices and tools.
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine actively carries out career guidance. It annually holds the Welcome Days, gives lectures, tours, organizes meetings with schoolchildren, college students and their parents, training events for children, and job fairs.
Opportunities for students. Students participate in all-Russian and international conferences, congresses, contests of scientific papers of different levels, grants.
The faculty successfully implements international student exchange, traveling seminars at the top foreign universities, centers for veterinary medicine and food safety. It developed a full-fledged internship system based on mutual cooperation agreement with advanced agricultural enterprises, veterinary clinics and state organizations.
Employment prospects. Specialist in the field of veterinary medicine for agroindustrial enterprises and processing industry enterprises, clinics, farms, animal health centers, zoological gardens and other animal management and agricultural production facilities, veterinary laboratories, bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, security services.