Information Technologies Faculty
Bachelor’s program

TARENKO, Liudmila Borisovna
Awards and achievements of the educational program. A Letter of Appreciation awarded by
Teaching staff. Seventy percent of the teaching staff hold academic degrees and/or titles. All the teachers involved in the program have relevant background education corresponding to the course they teach. Ten percent of the teaching staff are top managers or employees from the relevant industries.
University partners within the educational program. For the purpose of the program implementation the university has agreements on cooperation with the 1C-Rarus: Kazan and ICL Group of IT software developing companies.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Graduates from the program are highly demanded at IT departments of state and commercial banks, investment companies and joint-stock companies. Alumni from the program are also employed at companies involved in design, implementation and support of IT systems, state owned and private companies and at industrial enterprises using computer machinery. The program alumni are highly demanded on the regional labor market.
Facilities and resources. The university has extensive material and technical facilities including three educational buildings located in the center of Kazan with combortable classrooms, two assembly halls, a library, catering facilities, a medical aid post and lounge rooms. Multimedia computer classrooms feature state-of-the-art hardware and licensed software: training software packages, software development tools and environments. Projection equipment, interactive boards, teleconferencing facilities are also actively used in the educational process.
Opportunities for students. Students enrolled in the program benefit from attending a CISCO Academy course incorporated into the curriculum. Upon successful course completion students obtain an internationally recognized certificate. The university organizes annual workshops with employer representatives. Students are involved in research work, they test the gained theoretical knowledge in project work and case studies. The university offers a wide range of annual on-the-job placements, supports research and sports talents and achievements in social activities. Upon successful completion of the bachelor’s program students can pursue their Master’s degree.
Employment prospects. Programmer, systems programmer, LAN administrator, application developer, data base administrator.