Best Educational Programs: CHEMICAL ENGENEERING
Department of Oil and Gas Processing
Bachelor’s program
Master’s program

MOZYREV, Andrei Gennadevich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program successfully underwent state accreditation in the enlarged Chemical Engineering group of programs and professional-public accreditation (Certificate No.ПOA-0351). This program was recognized as the best within the project Best Educational Program of Innovative Russia 2016.
Industrial University of Tyumen offers one more best educational program in the field of Chemical and Biological Engineering:
Teaching staff. The program is implemented by the experienced teaching staff including four Professors, 11 Associate Professors, Candidates of Sciences, and one Assistant. The employees of the department participate in grant contests of different levels. The most important are the grant contests held as part of the Federal Targeted Program “Research and Development in the priority areas of development of the Russian science and technology sector for 2007-
University partners within the educational program. Kazan National Research Technological University and Tomsk State University as well as enterprises such as the Gazprom Pererabotka gas processing company, the SIBUR gas processing and petrochemical company, the Antipinsky Refinery, the RN-Yuganskneftegaz oil and gas company, and others.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Bachelor and Master students participate in research conducted by the department. Students regularly win prizes in all-Russian (the contest of graduation theses “Saint Petersburg Mining University,” the first place in 2016) and regional contests of student works. The best students receive personal scholarships of SIBUR Holding, LUKOIL, the RF President.
Facilities and resources. The laboratories of the department are located in the academic laboratory facilities of Tehnopolis with state-of-the-art equipment and resources for training and research activities.
Opportunities for students. The university annually hosts job fairs and the Days of companies whose representatives show students their manufacturing sites giving them exhaustive information about their employment prospects. Students undertake their internship at actual production facilities of the partner enterprises. The department implements a practice-oriented learning format, and some practical and laboratory classes are done at manufacturing site.
Students’ participation in social life of the university, city, and region develops a serious civic position, widens a range of interests and new friends.
Employment prospects. Chemistry lab technician, process unit operator, research engineer, chemical engineer, chemical technologist, chemical process engineer.