Department of Automation
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

ZHMUD, Vadim Arkadyevich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. Within the educational programme specialists are trained for science, engineering, and technologies in the field of automation, robotics, information science, programming, automatic and automated systems.
Graduates of the Department develop software, apparatus and systems to control complex technical equipment: manipulators, transportation control systems, piloted and re-motely piloted flying vehicles and submarines, remote control systems, etc.
The academic process is provided with specialized laboratories fitted with advanced computers and latest equipment produced by the leading foreign companies: Schneider Electric, SEW-Eurodrive, Siemens, Danfoss, Festo.
In 2009 the Department was a two-times winner of the joint contest of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research and the Department of Science and Technology of India to run the International seminar on Computer intelligence and modern heuristic methods in automation and robotics CIMHAR-2010 (Russia). The seminar proceedings are stored in the libraries of NSTU, NSU and State Public Science and Technology Library. The Department is the winner of 2011–2014 TEMPUS project.
Teaching staff. Among the members of the teaching staff there are 6 professors, 19 associate professors, 4 senior lecturers. All teachers take part in research and methodological activity. Annually 60–80 research articles are published, including 20–25 articles published in the journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. The teachers are authors of 15 patents.
8 Doctor and 20 Candidate-degree dissertations have been defended under the super-vision of Dr. A. Vostrikov. A. Voevoda’s research school presented for defence 12 Candidate degree dissertations.
Competitiveness of students. Since 2014 within TEMPUS project, master-degree students are given the exclusive opportunity of obtaining joint degrees, awarded by
Interaction with employers. Graduates have good prospects of career development. They work at research, industrial, IT-enterprises, research associations, design institutes in