Best Educational Programs: CONSTRUCTION
Institute of Construction Engineering, Transport and Machine Building
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

BRATSIKHIN, Andrey Aleksandrovich
Director of the Institute
Programme presentation. Education of Bachelors in Construction Engineering is aimed at training for survey, design and administrative activities. Objects of professional activity of graduates are industrial and civil buildings, machines, equipment, technological complexes and automation systems; real estate objects, land, urban territories, and others.
The professional activity involves construction of industrial, civil and hydro technical objects; design of new technologies, building material production; development of new types of building materials using recycled resources. In business corporations graduates can hold dealer positions, work as managers in building trade centres, and others.
Teaching staff. The Institute conducts research into the following fields: " Survey, Design, Construction and Renovation of Buildings and Structures in Severe Weather Conditions of the North Caucasus Region", "Research and Development of Building Materials on the Theoretical Basis", "The Development of Composition and Technology of Building Materials Production from Local Raw Resources and Industrial Wastes". These are priority directions for the development of science, technology and engineering in the
Competitiveness of students. As a rule, the students enrolled in the Construction Engineering major have high Unified State Exam ratings in all the subjects. The builders-to-be undertake international internships, successfully participate in professional contests. Annually some students are awarded for their distinguished academic and research results the scholarships of the Russian Federation President, Government, the Governor and the Government of StavropolskyKrai.
Interaction with employers. This educational programme is approved and reviewed by the employers of the region. Leading specialists of the industry are involved in its development. Every year the University in cooperation with its partner employers (i.e. LLC “YugStroyInvest”, LLC “YuStroyInvestKuban”, OJSC “PSK Gosprojectstroy”, LLC “Stavropolkommunptoject”, LLC “Evilin”, “GUP SK Kraitechinventarizatsia”, Publicly Funded National Institution for Architecture and Urban Development of StavropolskyKrai, etc.) organizes events of the Russian and international level: congresses, conferences, workshops, lectures and presentations.