Department of Organic Chemistry
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Specialist’s programme
Postgraduate programme

KLIMOCHKIN, Yuri Nikolaevich
Chair of the Department
Programme presentation. Education and training of specialists in Chemistry is based on internationally accepted system of university training, which implies conducting training in cooperation with leading educational and research institutions, pharmaceutical companies and enterprises. Some courses of the programme have no analogues in Russian universities. A special feature of the given area of training is advanced study of foreign language and a large number of laboratory workshops, at which students gain experimental skills, necessary for preparing graduation work and future employment.
Teaching staff. Department of Organic Chemistry is one of the oldest at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of SamSTU. For 80 years of its activity the Department has formed the teaching staff which represents academic teaching school in the field of organic synthesis well-known both in
The teaching staff of the Department consists of five Doctors of Sciences, 11 Candidates of Chemical Sciences, researchers and postgraduates. Y.N. Klimochkin, Chair of the Department, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor is one of the leading professors of SamSTU. He is a member of the advisory board of the Higher Attestation Commission in organic chemistry and a member of the Dissertation Council.
Competitiveness of students. Graduates adapt quickly and easily to work in research institutes, design organizations and industrial enterprises and successfully master various fields of professional activity from basic science to organization of their own business. Special attention is paid to the formation of innovative approach to solving the problems of modernization and development of industries based on the most up-to-date achievements of science and technology.
Interaction with employers. Education and training of students are conducted in close cooperation with enterprises and analytical laboratories of chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industry. Graduates are demanded in the major government and commercial organizations and are capable of creating new pharmaceuticals and useful organic materials with useful properties.