Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes in Industrial University of Tyumen
Department of Service of Motor Vehicles and Technological Machines
Bachelor's program
ZAKHAROV Nikolai Stepanovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The program successfully underwent professional-public accreditation. The teachers and students participated in research projects: "Performance Improvement of Oil and Gas Production Enterprises Based on Transport and Technological Service Management Improvement" (the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation); "Development of the Monitoring System for Professional-Technical Competencies of Heads and Specialists of Transportation Services of Structural Divisions of the Surgutneftegaz Oil and Gas Company (by order of Surgutneftegaz)."
Teaching staff. Bachelors are trained in the following majors: Motor Vehicles and Vehicle Fleet; Service of Transport and Transport and Technological Machines and Equipment (Oil and Gas Production) by the highly qualified teaching staff including two Doctors of Engineering Sciences, Professors, 16 Candidates of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professors. The academic degree holders rate is 100%. The heads of transport and car service enterprises are also engaged in the teaching process.
Facilities and resources. Training is provided in multimedia lecture halls as well as laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment that includes unique training simulation benches such as CarTrain CommonRail Diesel Engine, Airbag SO3230-2D, CarTrain Motronic 2.8 Gasoline Engine, ABS/ASR Braking System, a bench with MitsubishiS4QCD diesel engine.
Research. The promising research areas include the following: design and optimization of transport subsystems of production systems in the oil and gas sector; processes of change in the quality of motor vehicles and special-purpose machinery in operation; computerization of control processes on motor and technological transport; adjustment of process performance indicators of engines as components of power plants; development of software to simulate processes of change in the quality of motor vehicles; unmanned motor vehicle driving technologies.
Education. The teachers use practice-oriented and modular training technologies.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the oil and gas companies such as Surgutneftegaz, LUKOIL-West Siberia, RN-Yuganskneftegaz; car dealers such as Avtograd, Tehnokom-Invest, Tyumen-AVTOVAZ, the Gazprom Transgaz Surgut gas transportation company, the Tyumengortrans transportation company, Tyumen Public Transport Enterprise-1, Tobolsk Public Transport Enterprise, and others.
Competitive advantages. The university boasts highly qualified teaching staff, unique equipment and the leading scientific school. The quality of education is externally evaluated: graduates annually become winners of the all-Russian contest of graduation theses.