Railway Operation (Logistic Transport Systems and Technologies) in Russian University of Transport


Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Department of Logistic Transport Systems and Technologies

Specialist's program


LYSENKO Nikolai Evgenevich

Head of Department

Awards and achievements of the educational program. The Railway Operation program was ranked among the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2015 and 2017.

Student teams under the supervision of the teaching staff took part in the III-VI international Logistic Open Tournaments (with English as working language), took three first places and one second place. Students won prizes in international scientific and practical conferences on current issues in economics of knowledge and corporate management.

Teaching staff. Eighty-nine percent of the teaching staff have an academic degree, 16% of them are heads and leading specialists of transport, transportation and logistics companies and research institutes: M.I. Shmulevich, Deputy Director General of the Promtransniiproekt design institute; A.P. Kuznetsov, Deputy General Director of the Insti­tute for Problems of Transport and Logistics of the All-Russia Institute of Scientific and Tech­nical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences; A.F. Borodin, Head of the Department of the Institute of Economics and Transport Development.

Facilities and resources. The classrooms are equipped with multimedia. There are computer classrooms, a cooling laboratory, the Center of Multimodal Transport Systems. The laboratory of freight commercial operations comprises state-of-the-art classrooms with multimedia software. The university laboratory of perishable traffic technology comprises classrooms equipped with cold air units for laboratory work.

Education. Training is delivered taking into account the Freight and Commercial Operations major and allows students to combine engineering training with acquisition of knowledge in the field of freight and commercial operations, organization of rational interaction of different modes of transport based on logistics principles. Students undertake their internship at enterprises of the Russian Railways company, at freight forwarding, transportation and logistics companies.

Strategic partners. The university maintains partnership relations with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Russian Railways company, the Transport Service Center, the Transkonteiner transport company, the Russian Railways Logistics company, the First Freight Company, the Federal Freight Company, the New Transportation Company, the GEFCO logistics operator, the United Freight Forwarding Company, the RailTransAvto logistics operator, the Transoil and the LUKOIL-Trans transport companies, VNIIZHT JSC, NIIAS JSC, the Institute of Economics and Transport Development, etc. It also cooperates with specialized universities such as Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Ural State University of Railway Transport, RostovStateTransportUniversity, FarEasternStateTransportUniversity, SiberianTransportUniversity, SamaraStateTransportUniversity.

Competitive advantages. Students have an opportunity to participate in an internship exchange program and/or undertake study placement during one or two semesters in the European Union countries and China. The university participates in scholarship programs of DAAD, the Embassy of France. The LinguisticCenter provides further professional training in the Translator/ Interpreter in the Field of Professional Communication program. All graduates get employed at enterprises of the Russian Railways company and other partners within the program.

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