Construction of Railways, Bridges and Transport Tunnels (Track and Track Facilities) in Russian University of Transport


Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Department of Track and Track Facilities

Specialist's program


ASHPIZ Evgenii Samuilovich

Head of the Department

Achievements and awards. The educational program is accredited and has a 120-year history. Students regularly participate and win prizes in regional and all-Russian olympiads in strength of materials, theoretical mechanics, construction materials. They take an active part in student exchange programs (France, Bulgaria), international study placement in Germany (RuhrUniversity in Bohum), Italy, the USA (universities in Memphis, Wyoming).

Teaching staff. The department employs the highly qualified staff including five professors (three Doctors of Engineering Sciences), 13 Candidates of Engineering Sciences (11 Associate Professors). The teachers regularly improve their qualification according to the Top 100 program of the Russian Railways company, at operating units of the Russian Railways company, construction companies, railway transport universities of Russia and foreign countries. They deliver lectures at universities of Kazakhstan, China, Lithuania and participate in international congresses and conferences.

Facilities and resources. The lecture hall has state-of-the-art multimedia equipment and visualization tools. There is a computer classroom. Two university laboratories "Permanent Way Design Laboratory" and "Track Diagnostics" have interactive boards, multimedia equipment, demonstrator prototypes of the track design and state-of-the-art diagnostic tools for permanent way and roadbed.

Research. The department has the following scientific schools: "Permanent Way Issues;" "Track Facilities Planning and Management Issues;" "Railway Roadbed Issues" (the schools were founded by G.M. Shakhuniants).

The department annually publishes a collection of research papers of students, postgraduate students, scientists.

Education. Students undertake work placement at operating units of the Russian Railways company, construction companies, the Moscow Metro, Mosmetrostroy, Mostotrest, Mosinzhproekt in construction brigades, going out for construction, reconstruction and running maintenance of unique facilities (Baikal-Amur Mainline, Trans-Siberian Railway, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Kerchensky bridge). Students sponsored by the Russian Railways company get supplementary education according to the author’s class program. Graduates are in great demand among construction, engineering and scientific companies.

Strategic partners. The university cooperates with numerous transportation, engineering and construction companies such as the Russian Railways company, Design Center and the Russian Railways company, Railway Research Institute (VNIIZHT JSC), Scientific Research Institute of Transport Construction (TSNIIS JSC), the Moscow Metro, Metrogiprotrans, Mosmetrostroy, Mostotrest, Mosinzhproekt, Giprotransput, Giprostroymost, Giprotransmost, Transinzhstroy, Roszheldorproekt, USK Most, Transputstroy.

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