Technology of Transport Processes in Russian University of Transport
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Department of Field Operation and Transportation Safety Management
Bachelor's program

SHAROV Viktor Aleksandrovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. D.Iu. Levin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of Field Operation and Transportation Safety Management, won the IV international contest "University Book – 2017," held by the Training and Methodology Center for Railway Transport, in the following categories: The Best Serial Publication (for a series of educational publications “Transportation Process Management Basics,” “Field Operation on Railway Transport”) and For Productive Scientific and Publishing Activity.
The department published the textbook for Bachelor students "Railway Transport Logistics" (F.S. Gomankov et al.).
The teachers are winners of the contest "Golden Names of Higher School – 2018": E.S. Prokofeva, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor (the From Business Community category); A.F. Borodin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor (the For the Contribution to Corporate Education category); D.Iu. Levin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor (the For the Contribution to Science and Higher Education category).
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the teaching staff including 15 Doctors of Sciences, Professors; one Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor; 42 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors; Assistant Professors. Ninety percent of the staff are regular teachers, 10% are internal and external dual jobholders.
Facilities and resources. Bachelor students are trained using state-of-the-art technologies and specialized information management systems. Laboratory practicals are done and business games are played at the Center for Train Traffic Dispatch Control (room 1502). At the Center for Classification Yard Service Automated Control (room 1505) students master station process operations at CNC computer workstations of the Bekasovo-Sortirovochnoe automated workstation network simulator (room 1520). To study transportation process management methods with simulation of automatic operational systems, the educational software environment has been created, which allows students to learn how to quickly search for required information and, first of all, how to make necessary management decisions based on analysis of the information obtained.
Research. The department constantly conducts fundamental research in the field of railway operation practice including research on the theoretical foundations of the development of innovative technologies in passenger and cargo traffic that provide effective and safe rail transportation.
Strategic partners. The department cooperates with the Research and Methodological Board for the Bachelor’s program in Technology of Transportation Processes at the