Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Bachelor’s program

MAZUROV, Aleksei Borisovich
Awards and achievements of the educational program. This educational program underwent state accreditation and many times was listed in the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies is included in the list “The Best Universities of
State University of Humanities and Social Studies also offers a Bachelor's program in Psychological and Pedagogical Education.
Teaching staff. More than 90% of educators have academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, among them are holders of the title of Honored Workers of Higher Education of the RF, winners and award holders of international and national contests, holders of the award of the Governor of the Moscow Region, authors of textbooks and popular science publications, experts of the Unified State Exam. The teaching staff work much in the implementation of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grants and state contracts.
University partners within the educational program.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students’ achievements include successful participation and winning in the WorldSkills Russia competitions, the internet olympiads in history, computer science, chemistry, in the Kazan Art Week exhibition, in the international art exhibition, in the Third Russian Student Research Olympiad in pedagogy and psychology, in regional and local contests for the Educator of the Year, the Preschool Teacher of the Year, the Step into Profession awards. Many graduates take master and postgraduate study courses, defend their Candidate theses. The alumni of the State University of Humanities and Social Studies are famous scientists, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and lecturers of higher education institutions, heads of municipal education authorities, directors and employees of methodology centers, heads of schools and directors of teaching, holders of the title of the Honored Teacher of the RF, winners of the Education National Program.
Facilities and resources. The university has all resources for the effective organization of the educational process and recreational activities for students. Every year the Students’ Trade Union grants free package tours to recreation centers and health resorts.
Opportunities for students. The best students get an opportunity to take a semester study placement at universities of China, Hungary and France, to take part in European summer schools (Norway, Finland) and in other projects (the Volunteer School for Social Inclusion in the Moscow Region, the Public Watchdogs at the Unified State Exam, etc.)
Employment prospects. Primary school teacher, foreign (English) language teacher, teacher of the Russian language and literature, teacher of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, teacher of technology and economics, teacher of history and social sciences, preschool teacher, expert in teaching methodology, further education teacher.