Best Educational Programs: INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING
Department of Data Collection and Data Processing Systems
Bachelor’s programme

PROKHORENKO, Evgeny Valerievich
Head of Department
Programme presentation. The educational programme “Instrument Engineering” is connected with the development, production and maintenance service of different devices and systems aiming at information acquisition, presentation and processing in industry, agriculture, healthcare service, research and other spheres of human activity. Graduates of this programme being broad specialists are in demand in the sphere of development of devices and systems of technological-process automation in different industrial fields.
Great emphasis is put on improvement of the study process and the quality of specialists’ training. The Department concluded cooperation agreements with foreign HEIs and companies from
Competitiveness of students. In the course of study students are involved in production activities. They acquire skills of project implementation and get salaries in enterprises of The Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin, JSC “Research Institute of Electronic Devices”, The Siberian Research and Test Centre for Biomedical Engineering, JSC "Radio and Microelectronics”, JSC Central Construction Bureau “Tochpribor”.
Interaction with employers. Graduates of this educational programme work in healthcare centres, metrology, standardization and certification offices, in the service sector in the process of development and operation of modern electronic test equipment and systems; in research organizations, enterprises of oil and gas as well as fuel and energy sectors in industrial automation and administration.
Major organizations and enterprises employing graduates are JSC “Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant”, LLC “Research and Production Enterprise “Novosibirsk Semiconductor Device Plant”, LLC “Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant named after V. Kuzmin”, The Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin, JSC "Radio and Microelectronics”, The Institute of Nuclear Physics of SB RAS, The Siberian Research Institute of Metrology, LLC “Systems of Electronics and Medicine”, NSTU, The Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport, The Institute of Applied Physics of SB RAS, LLC “TREND CENTRE” and many others.