Best Educational Programs: INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING
Department of Information and Measurement Technology
Bachelor’s programme

MELENTIEV, Vladimir Sergeevich
Chair of the Department
HEI’s image.
Programme presentation. Future Bachelors in “Instrument Engineering” are trained in the unique laboratory complex, which is equipped with stands and instruments, developed by the teachers of the major Department. This complex has no analogues.
To improve the quality of education, ongoing discussion of the curricula and content of the disciplines has been conducted with the similar departments of Russian HEIs:
Teaching staff. The learning process is based on a highly skilled work of teachers and continuous improvement of teaching methods. The Faculty is proud of the scientific school headed by K.L. Kulikovsky, honoured worker of science and technology of the RF. A number of teachers of the Department are full members (academicians) of the
Competitiveness of students. Specialists in the field of instrument engineering have wide range skills in their area and are in high demand in aerospace and defense industry, in areas connected with oil and gas production, transportation and processing, in chemical industry, electric power industry and transport. The Faculty has in place teaching and research centres Mitsubishi Electric and Schneider Electric, equipped with up-to-date facilities, which allow both using advanced technology and obtaining certificates of mastering further educational programmes. Students are repeated winners of regional research conferences and hold personal grants of the President of the RF, the governor of the Samara District and P.V. Alabin grant.
Interaction with employers. Close cooperation with potential employers has become an important part of the educational process. The Department has involved employers in developing syllabus and working programmes and in planning placement for work experience. Representatives of the professional community supervise course papers and graduation qualification works.