Pedagogical Education in Nizhnevartovsk State University

Master's program (Khanty Philology major)


Faculty of Humanities,

Department of Philology, Linguodidactics and Translation



Head of the Department


Tel. +7 3466 27-35-10



Education. The Khanty language as one of the key parts of traditional Yugra culture helps to preserve the continuity of traditions and pass the knowledge on to the next generation of the indigenous population. The graduates of the program are in demand in the educational system of Yugra — they teach native language and literature at general education schools and other educational institutions, take part in creating native language textbooks.

The students study Khanty literature of the XIX-XX centuries, history, philosophy, native language and its dialects, poetry and prose of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North. Invited specialists, native speakers and teachers of Nizhnevartovsk State University hold practical classes, seminars and business games. Materials by Khanty, Russian and international authors are used in the educational process, such as a monography by Marta Chepregi, Head of the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of Eotvos Lorand University (Hungary), which conducted research on phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Surgut dialect of the Khanty language.

Awards and achievements. The second-year Master's students took part in the implementation of a project "Camp School and Kindergarten" at Russkinskaya school. This distance learning project in Yugra for children of the indigenous peoples of the North is aimed at implementing alternative forms of receiving pre-school, primary school and basic general education.

The students of the master's course took part in developing textbooks and methodical recommendations to the "Khanty Language (Surgut Dialect). 2nd Year," "Khanty Language (Surgut Dialect). 4th Year" textbooks. Development of textbooks and methodical recommendations to the "Literary Reading (Surgut Dialect). 2nd Year" and "Khanty Language (Surgut Dialect). 5th Year" textbooks. The master's degree students of the Department have held frontal dictation at Russkinskaya secondary general education school.

Facilities and resources. Specialized computer classrooms fitted with state-of-the-art equipment and software, as well as high-speed Internet access, are available to students. Corporative network with access to electronic library systems Urite, IPRbooks, Lan.

Strategic partners. Assembly of Representatives of Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples of the North, Institute of Development of Education, Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development, Department of Education of the Administration of Nizhnevartovsk, Public Chamber of KhMAO-Yugra.

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