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HED CLUB: international relations, education news and events in higher education

The biggest challenge universities are facing nowadays is to respond quickly to ever-changing world in order to create favorable conditions that contribute to the disclosure of the personal potential of the person and meet the requirements of stakeholders.
HED CLUB: international relations, education news and events in higher education

The biggest challenge universities are facing nowadays is to respond quickly to ever-changing world in order to create favorable conditions that contribute to the disclosure of the personal potential of the person and meet the requirements of stakeholders.
#internship#university rankings#international relations#exchange program#dual degree#education events#journal#overseas education#foreign student#international recruitment#academic credentials#quality assurance#student mobility#russian students#double degree#staff mobility#enrollment#recruitment agency#summer school#career advancement#partnerships development#education export#postgraduate#cross-institutional cooperation#jobs#research and development #jobs#sponsorship#scholarships and grants#accreditation#consulting and assistance#Статьи#Конкурсы#Летние школы#Изучение русского языка как иностранного