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Pharmacy in Tver State Medical University
Tver State Medical University offers a Specialist's degree in Pharmacy. Graduates can pursue pharmacy, expert analysis, organization and management, control and permission,
production, and research.
Dentistry in Tver State Medical University
Tver State Medical University offers a Specialist's degree in Dentistry. Graduates have massive employment opportunities and pursue residency and PhD programs.
Webinar 'Internationalization of higher education' under the aegis of APQN to be held on February 18, 2020

Join a talk to increase knowledge in Quality Assurance, International student recruitment, and academic partnership
The Accreditation in Education Journal and the Public Fund Edinstvo have become partners

As part of cooperation the parties are expected to conduct webinars and hold expert meetings devoted to current quality issues in education, assistance in developing internationalization of higher education, academic partnership and export educational potential of Russia and Kyrgyzstan.
The Accreditation in Education Journal and the Public Fund Edinstvo have become partners

As part of cooperation the parties are expected to conduct webinars and hold expert meetings devoted to current quality issues in education, assistance in developing internationalization of higher education, academic partnership and export educational potential of Russia and Kyrgyzstan.
The 10th ENQA General Assembly took place in Yerevan

The 10th ENQA General Assembly took place on 17-18 October 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia. The event was organised in cooperation with the National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA).
Call for participation – Webinars under the aegis of APQN devoted to Quality Assurance

Internationalization of higher education. Cooperation with quality assurance networks and agencies. International student recruitment.
New Model of State Control (Supervision) in Education

In October 2019 the Agency for Strategic Initiatives «Tochka Kipeniia» (Moscow) at Higher School of Economics together with the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science held the seminar «New Model of State Control (Supervision) in Education under the Mechanism of a «Regulatory Guillotine».
HED Webinar under the aegis of APQN took place on October 10, 2019

Internationalization of higher education. Cooperation with quality assurance networks and agencies. International student recruitment and academic mobility. Development of inter-university partnership.
Webinars aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities

Accreditation in Education company organizes webinars under the aegis of Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities
Webinars aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities

Accreditation in Education company organizes webinars under the aegis of Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities
Higher Education Trends as a Quality Assurance Factor

In the context of globalization and integration into the international educational space, it is important to ensure the quality of higher education and increase the competitiveness of educational services. The main trends are internationalization, academic mobility and digitalization.
Moldovan National System of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Steps to Quality

In 2018 the National system of external quality assurance in education of the Republic of Moldova underwent certain changes. The reform, implemented in the context of the public administration transformation strategy for 2016-2020, included a number of organizational transformations of some entities accompanied by content-related aspects.
Russia and Turkey have signed an agreement on cooperation in quality assurance of higher education

The National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (Turkey) have signed an agreement on bilateral cooperation in evaluation and accreditation of study programs and HEIs.
Russia and Turkey have signed an agreement on cooperation in quality assurance of higher education

The National Centre for Public Accreditation (Russia) and the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (Turkey) have signed an agreement on bilateral cooperation in evaluation and accreditation of study programs and HEIs.
The webinar under the aegis of APQN took place as part of the EDU Atmosphere project

The Accreditation in Education Company (Russia) conducted the webinar on internationalization of higher education and inter-institutional partnership under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) on July 02, 2019.
The webinar under the aegis of APQN took place as part of the EDU Atmosphere project

The Accreditation in Education Company (Russia) conducted the webinar on internationalization of higher education and inter-institutional partnership under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) on July 02, 2019.
The National Centre for Public Accreditation has become a full member of ENQA

The Council of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) confirmed the full membership status of the National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) for the next five years.
The National Centre for Public Accreditation has become a full member of ENQA

The Council of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) confirmed the full membership status of the National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA) for the next five years.
7th AQ Austria Annual Conference

7th AQ Austria Annual Conference "Designing study structures more flexible - Challenges for higher education institutions and quality assurance" will be held on 12 September 2019 in Vienna.
7th AQ Austria Annual Conference

7th AQ Austria Annual Conference "Designing study structures more flexible - Challenges for higher education institutions and quality assurance" will be held on 12 September 2019 in Vienna.
Recognition of the IAAR activities in the international educational space

IAAR successfully conducts international accreditation of national and foreign universities and educational programs abroad.
Recognition of the IAAR activities in the international educational space

IAAR successfully conducts international accreditation of national and foreign universities and educational programs abroad.
International Quality Assurance Programme 2019

International Quality Assurance Programme 2019 will be held on November 18-22, 2019 in London, at Kings College.
International Quality Assurance Programme 2019

International Quality Assurance Programme 2019 will be held on November 18-22, 2019 in London, at Kings College.
NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2019

NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2019: Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Times of Change will take place on July 25, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan.
NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2019

NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2019: Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Times of Change will take place on July 25, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan.
III International Festival "Student Spring of the BRICS and SCO Countries"

The festival was held from 4 to 9 June 2019 in Stavropol and brought together more than 2,000 participants from 23 countries.
III International Festival "Student Spring of the BRICS and SCO Countries"

The festival was held from 4 to 9 June 2019 in Stavropol and brought together more than 2,000 participants from 23 countries.
Kyrgyzstan universities and colleges will independently develop their educational programs

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic has decided to change the layouts of state educational standards.
Kyrgyzstan universities and colleges will independently develop their educational programs

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic has decided to change the layouts of state educational standards.
Business School of RANEPA received prestigious world accreditation

The Institute of Business Studies, the leading business school of RANEPA, has become the first in Russia to receive the prestigious world accreditation of AACSB International. This fact is expected to allow RANEPA to implement joint programs with leading Western business schools.
Business School of RANEPA received prestigious world accreditation

The Institute of Business Studies, the leading business school of RANEPA, has become the first in Russia to receive the prestigious world accreditation of AACSB International. This fact is expected to allow RANEPA to implement joint programs with leading Western business schools.
Dentistry in Ural State Medical University
Ural State Medical University offers a Specialist's degree in Dentistry. It closely cooperates with the leading medical dentistry institutions of the region and foreign universities.
Pediatrics in Ural State Medical University
Ural State Medical University offers a Specialist's degree in Pediatrics. It closely cooperates with the leading regional medical and preventive treatment facilities, federal research institutes and foreign universities.
General Medicine in Ural State Medical University
Ural State Medical University offers a Specialist's degree in General Medicine. It closely cooperates with federal research institutions, medical and preventive treatment facilities and foreign universities.
Quality Assurance in US Higher Education

The purpose of this landscape paper is to organize some of the current debates about higher education quality assurance and to present a possible path forward to enable higher education leaders, policy makers, and the twenty-plus million current students to achieve their common goal of improving the success of the sector.
Quality Assurance in US Higher Education

The purpose of this landscape paper is to organize some of the current debates about higher education quality assurance and to present a possible path forward to enable higher education leaders, policy makers, and the twenty-plus million current students to achieve their common goal of improving the success of the sector.
Quality Assurance in US Higher Education: A Path Forward

The current system of quality assurance in the United States, including the roles played by the federal government and regional accreditors; the process of self-evaluation, site-visits, and peer reviews; and the focus on institution-specific processes should be maintained. In addition, there is a number of ways in which this system could be improved to balance greater rigor and transparency with greater flexibility and incentives for institutional improvement and learning.
Quality Assurance in US Higher Education: A Path Forward

The current system of quality assurance in the United States, including the roles played by the federal government and regional accreditors; the process of self-evaluation, site-visits, and peer reviews; and the focus on institution-specific processes should be maintained. In addition, there is a number of ways in which this system could be improved to balance greater rigor and transparency with greater flexibility and incentives for institutional improvement and learning.
International approaches to quality assurance in US higher education

Though international developments of HE quality assurance, they do illustrate efforts to create systems that incentivize institutional improvement, organizational learning, and self-regulation while improving sector-wide accountability and rigor.
International approaches to quality assurance in US higher education

Though international developments of HE quality assurance, they do illustrate efforts to create systems that incentivize institutional improvement, organizational learning, and self-regulation while improving sector-wide accountability and rigor.
Performance-based approaches to reforming US higher education quality assurance

Performance-based regulation reinforces competition among higher education institutions, exacerbating incentives for institutions to keep effective practices to themselves.
Performance-based approaches to reforming US higher education quality assurance

Performance-based regulation reinforces competition among higher education institutions, exacerbating incentives for institutions to keep effective practices to themselves.
US Higher Education Accreditation and Its Critics

Quality assurance sector and accreditation has been around for more than a century in the USA. Today there are more than 7,000 institutions of higher education. Recognizing this diversity, government has historically taken a flexible approach to the regulation of higher education.
US Higher Education Accreditation and Its Critics

Quality assurance sector and accreditation has been around for more than a century in the USA. Today there are more than 7,000 institutions of higher education. Recognizing this diversity, government has historically taken a flexible approach to the regulation of higher education.
Twenty-four Russian HEIs in TOP 100 of BRICS University Ranking

The QS University Rankings BRICS 2018 included 101 Russian universities with 24 HEIs in Top 100; leaders are Moscow State University (6th place) and Saint Petersburg State University (11th place).
Twenty-four Russian HEIs in TOP 100 of BRICS University Ranking

The QS University Rankings BRICS 2018 included 101 Russian universities with 24 HEIs in Top 100; leaders are Moscow State University (6th place) and Saint Petersburg State University (11th place).
MEDIA support of internationalization in higher education

“Accreditation in Education” Company invites higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan to participate in the international media project “Informationally transparent HEI. International level” .
MEDIA support of internationalization in higher education

“Accreditation in Education” Company invites higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan to participate in the international media project “Informationally transparent HEI. International level” .
THE University Ranking of Eurasia Nations published for the first time in Kazan

On August 29 - 31, Times Higher Education Research Excellence Summit: Eurasia 2018 took place at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University where the results of the THE university ranking of Eurasia nations were announced.
THE University Ranking of Eurasia Nations published for the first time in Kazan

On August 29 - 31, Times Higher Education Research Excellence Summit: Eurasia 2018 took place at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University where the results of the THE university ranking of Eurasia nations were announced.
uniRank publishes 2018 YouTube University Ranking

uniRank has published a ranking of the most popular universities on YouTube which is restricted to those that are accredited by national authorities, offer post-graduate or four-year undergraduate degrees, and use traditional course delivery format.
uniRank publishes 2018 YouTube University Ranking

uniRank has published a ranking of the most popular universities on YouTube which is restricted to those that are accredited by national authorities, offer post-graduate or four-year undergraduate degrees, and use traditional course delivery format.
Kazakh university rankings by fields of study

The Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, and the national chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic Kazakhstan "Atameken" presented their rankings of the best higher education institutions of Kazakhstan by fields of study in 2018.
Kazakh university rankings by fields of study

The Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, and the national chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic Kazakhstan "Atameken" presented their rankings of the best higher education institutions of Kazakhstan by fields of study in 2018.
HED Club: Education Advertising and Partner Search

The International Site for Academic Networking (HEDClub) is aimed at helping educational institutions from all over the world and their representatives to find international partners in the field of higher education and research.
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