Pediatrics in Ural State Medical University
Ural State Medical University
Faculty of Pediatrics
Specialist's program

BORODULINA, Tatiana Viktorovna
Current position in rankings. The university was ranked 9th in the annual ranking "Top 10 Medical Universities in Russia" by RAEX (2018) and 68th position in the ranking of Russian HEIs by RAEX (2018).
Achievements and awards. In 2018, when undergoing international professional-public accreditation carried out by the National Centre for Public Accreditation, this program proved compliance with the standards and criteria established in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ESG-ENQA.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff includes Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Workers of Science of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, laureates of the Russian Federation Government Award, winners of G.F. Lang, V.N. Tatischev and G.V. de Hennin prizes. Nearly 75% of the teaching staff hold academic degrees and titles.
Research. The university has 20 scientific schools. There are 47 research areas with a high level of originality in research. The scientists participate in international congresses and conferences, develop national program documents and clinical guidelines, organize on-site refresher courses for doctors.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the leading medical and preventive treatment facilities of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region. Participation in international projects and programs. The scientists implement joint research projects with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston), Johns Hopkins University (Maryland), Rockefeller University (New York), Harvard Medical School (Boston), Cambridge Institute for Biomedical Research (England), University of Copenhagen (Denmark).
Competitive advantages. Students undertake their internship at federal research institutes, multidisciplinary medical and preventive treatment facilities equipped with laboratory, X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopic and other equipment, computer MRI scanners. Students participate in scientific conferences and competitions, olympiads, carry out grant activities. The best students annually win scholarships awarded by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. Up to 15 people annually go to foreign clinics for undertaking work placement as part of the IFMSA program. Students undertake their internship abroad, participate in international conferences (People's Republic of China, Italy, Serbia, Thailand, Poland, Portugal, Brazil, Montenegro, etc.).