Dentistry in Ural State Medical University
Ural State Medical University
Faculty of Dentistry
Specialist's program

ZHOLUDEV, Sergei Egorovich
Current position in rankings. The university was ranked 9th in the annual ranking "Top 10 Medical Universities in Russia" by RAEX (2018) and 68th in the ranking of Russian HEIs RAEX (2018).
Achievements and awards. In 2018, when undergoing international professional-public accreditation at the National Centre for Public Accreditation, this educational program proved compliance with the standards and criteria established in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ESG-ENQA.
The program has been ranked among the best programs as part of the all-Russian project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia since 2014.
Teaching staff. The academic degree holders rate is 84%, the teachers' average age is 45.
Educational process ensures academic mobility of students in the European area. It is based on the following:
1. The competence-based principle of the main educational program development.
2. Tracking of credit value and completeness of the main educational program acquisition according to ECTS ( European Credit Transfer System).
3. The point rating system used to evaluate students' knowledge.
The information resources and learning materials for students are available in the E-learning and M-learning system on the intra-university portal
The university regularly holds professional skills competitions at the university, regional (the Ural Academic Medical Cluster) and country levels.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the leading medical dentistry institutions of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region, the dentistry faculties of Semmelweis University, universities of Copenhagen, Yerevan, and Minsk. The network form of the educational program is implemented in cooperation with HEIs of the Ural Academic Medical Cluster, the Fundamental Dentistry Research and Education Center in cooperation with the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Ural Federal University, with support of grant programs from Dentsply-Sinora and 3M-ESPE companies.
Competitive advantages. Students undertake their internship at the in-house dental outpatient clinic with state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic equipment: 104 dental chairs, 60 phantom and 140 computer places, 12 endodontal microscopes and technoscopes Carl Zeiss. Students have an opportunity to get parallel education by pursuing supplementary education programs "Clinician-Scientist" (in English) and "Managing Physician," which predetermines the development of an individual educational path of a Specialist's degree student. Students may continue their studies by pursuing Master's, postgraduate, doctoral programs in Dentistry.