Dentistry in Bashkir State Medical University
Faculty of Dentistry
Specialist's program

KABIROVA, Miliausha Fauzievna
Achievements and awards. For 42 years, the faculty has trained over 4,500 specialists including over 60 foreign students. Graduates work in many regions of Russia and the CIS countries as well as in Germany, Italy, Israel, India, Egypt, Vietnam, etc. Many of them are actively involved in research, hold positions of head physicians, are founders and directors of their own clinics.
Teaching staff. The teachers are members of international associations, participants of international scientific programs, members of editorial boards of medical journals (Periodontology, Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Prophylaxis, Problems of Dentistry, etc.), members of the Special Academic and Methodological Commission for Dentistry of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, members of various Russian and international associations. The teachers actively cooperate with practical healthcare agencies, give consultations and treat patients.
Facilities and resources. The university established the dental outpatient clinic that delivers medical care to the public as well as a training facility. It has necessary equipment, state-of-the-art technologies and teaching aids, phantom classrooms. The university has a state-of-the-art simulation center for acquisition of practical skills.
Research. The areas of research conducted by the scientists cover a wide range of the most current issues in modern dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Over the years, the faculty has trained 17 Doctors and over 120 Candidates of Medical Sciences in Dentistry.
Education. Students have access to the library fund and electronic databases, internet classrooms. They use active and interactive forms of classes (computer simulations, business games and role plays, clinical case studies).
Strategic partners. The faculty cooperates with a network of city pediatric and adult dental outpatient clinics, the maxillofacial departments of hospital №21 and the Republican Pediatric Clinical Hospital, the Russian Dental Association.
International projects and programs. The university has concluded a cooperation agreement with the dentistry faculty of University of Barcelona.
Competitive advantages. The dental outpatient clinic and the scientific-advisory center were established at the premises of the Faculty of Dentistry. The teachers are members of the Association of Dentists of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. The faculty enrolls citizens of the CIS countries and other foreign countries ( Egypt, Yemen, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc.), who not only get medical education but also take an active part in the university social life.