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Technology of Transport Processes in Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Technology of Transport Processes. Graduates work at transport enterprises.
Columbia International

Columbia International - английская языковая школа на Кипре для обучающихся всех возрастов и уровней.
Columbia International

Columbia International - английская языковая школа на Кипре для обучающихся всех возрастов и уровней.
PASCAL Education

PASCAL Education - крупнейшая образовательная организация на Кипре, созданная с целью преподавания английского языка как иностранного детям и взрослым.
PASCAL Education

PASCAL Education - крупнейшая образовательная организация на Кипре, созданная с целью преподавания английского языка как иностранного детям и взрослым.
English Quest Camps

Лагерь English Quest Camps - один из лучших языковых лагерей на Кипре для детей в возрасте от 11 до 17 лет.
English Quest Camps

Лагерь English Quest Camps - один из лучших языковых лагерей на Кипре для детей в возрасте от 11 до 17 лет.
Russia and China have mapped out joint plans in the field of science and higher education

Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov and Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation Zhang Hanhui met to discuss cooperation in science and higher education.
Russia and China have mapped out joint plans in the field of science and higher education

Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov and Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation Zhang Hanhui met to discuss cooperation in science and higher education.
TPU International Week 2019 held in Tomsk

For the first time, Tomsk Polytechnic University is hosting the large-scale seminar «TPU International Week 2019» with the participation of Asian and European universities.
TPU International Week 2019 held in Tomsk

For the first time, Tomsk Polytechnic University is hosting the large-scale seminar «TPU International Week 2019» with the participation of Asian and European universities.
Webinar schedule: Internationalization of higher education

Date: December 10, 2019 | Time: 09.00-14.30 (Moscow, UTC +3)
Webinar schedule: Internationalization of higher education

Date: December 10, 2019 | Time: 09.00-14.30 (Moscow, UTC +3)
Study shows which universities lead the way in promotion of summer schools

The study conducted by RUDN University shows that SPbPU, LETI, RUDN University, and HSE are leaders among Russian universities by the number of international attendees enrolled in programs of summer and winter schools and by completeness of website content related to study areas.
Study shows which universities lead the way in promotion of summer schools

The study conducted by RUDN University shows that SPbPU, LETI, RUDN University, and HSE are leaders among Russian universities by the number of international attendees enrolled in programs of summer and winter schools and by completeness of website content related to study areas.
Summer schools attract international applicants to Russian universities

In recent years, international summer and winter schools at Russian universities have become an effective tool for attracting foreign applicants.
Summer schools attract international applicants to Russian universities

In recent years, international summer and winter schools at Russian universities have become an effective tool for attracting foreign applicants.
Pediatrics in Tver State Medical University
Tver State Medical University offers a Specialist's degree in Pediatrics. It closely cooperates with Russian medical universities and the medical faculties of foreign universities.
Railway Operation in Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University offers a Specialist's degree in Railway Operation. It has cooperation agreements with 70 countries (the European Diploma Supplement, double degree programs, study abroad placements, participation in the Erasmus+ program).
Construction of Railways, Bridges and Transport Tunnels in Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University offers a Specialist's degree in Construction of Railways, Bridges and Transport Tunnels. It has cooperation agreements with 70 countries (the European Diploma Supplement, double degree programs, study abroad placements, participation in the Erasmus+ program).
Railway Traffic Control Systems in Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University offers a Specialist's degree in Railway Traffic Control Systems. It has cooperation agreements with 70 countries (the European Diploma Supplement, double degree programs, study abroad placements, participation in the Erasmus+ program).
Railway Rolling Stock in Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University offers a Specialist's degree in Railway Rolling Stock. It has cooperation agreements with 70 countries (the European Diploma Supplement, double degree programs, study abroad placements, participation in the Erasmus+ program).
Happy session in Artek (Spanish version)

Los participantes de este turno en Artek fueron seleccionados como parte de un concurso en línea: los estudiantes extranjeros o los jóvenes compatriotas que viven en el extranjero tenían que presentar un equipo, grabar un video: leer un poema o hablar sobre famosos rusos en el extranjero y colocar su trabajo en las redes sociales.
Happy session in Artek (Spanish version)

Los participantes de este turno en Artek fueron seleccionados como parte de un concurso en línea: los estudiantes extranjeros o los jóvenes compatriotas que viven en el extranjero tenían que presentar un equipo, grabar un video: leer un poema o hablar sobre famosos rusos en el extranjero y colocar su trabajo en las redes sociales.
Happy session in Artek (Chinese version)

Happy session in Artek (Chinese version)

„Glücklicher Durchgang“ in Artek

Die Teilnehmer für diesen Durchgang in Artek wurden im Rahmen einer Internet-Ausschreibung ausgewählt: Schüler aus dem Ausland oder junge russische Landsleute, die im Ausland wohnen, sollten ein Team bilden, einen Videoclip aufzeichnen, ein Gedicht vortragen oder einen Vortrag über berühmte Russen im Ausland halten, und ihre Arbeiten in den sozialen Netzen präsentieren
„Glücklicher Durchgang“ in Artek

Die Teilnehmer für diesen Durchgang in Artek wurden im Rahmen einer Internet-Ausschreibung ausgewählt: Schüler aus dem Ausland oder junge russische Landsleute, die im Ausland wohnen, sollten ein Team bilden, einen Videoclip aufzeichnen, ein Gedicht vortragen oder einen Vortrag über berühmte Russen im Ausland halten, und ihre Arbeiten in den sozialen Netzen präsentieren
Immersion in the Russian language at the Winter school (Japanese version)

Immersion in the Russian language at the Winter school (Chinese version)

Immersion in the Russian language at the Winter school (Chinese version)

Eintauchen in die russische Sprache in der Winterschule

Eintauchen in die Atmosphäre der russischen Sprache und Kultur, Kreativität und Spiele in der „Winterschule“ in Omsk – das ideale Milieu für eine schnelle Entwicklung der Sprachkompetenzen bei ausländischen Sprachschülern
Eintauchen in die russische Sprache in der Winterschule

Eintauchen in die Atmosphäre der russischen Sprache und Kultur, Kreativität und Spiele in der „Winterschule“ in Omsk – das ideale Milieu für eine schnelle Entwicklung der Sprachkompetenzen bei ausländischen Sprachschülern
Happy session in Artek

The participants were chosen in online competition, i.e. foreign pupils or young fellow students from abroad, had to introduce the team, record a video, read a poem or tell about popular Russians living abroad, and post their work in social networks
Immersion in the Russian language at the Winter school

The Immersion in the atmosphere of the Russian language and culture, games and creativity at the Winter school in Omsk helped to rapidly develop foreign students’ linguistic competence
Immersion in the Russian language at the Winter school

The Immersion in the atmosphere of the Russian language and culture, games and creativity at the Winter school in Omsk helped to rapidly develop foreign students’ linguistic competence
International Forum in Kalmykia: One Belt, One Road

Being one of Russian flagship universities, Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov takes the most active part in strengthening friendship and cooperation between Russia and China.
International Forum in Kalmykia: One Belt, One Road

Being one of Russian flagship universities, Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov takes the most active part in strengthening friendship and cooperation between Russia and China.
RANEPA contributes to internationalization of higher education

RANEPA’s competitive advantage for international students.
RANEPA contributes to internationalization of higher education

RANEPA’s competitive advantage for international students.
International Cooperation in Amur State University

The international department of Amur State University is actively developing cooperation with foreign citizens. It maintains close relations with Chinese partner universities.
International Cooperation in Amur State University

The international department of Amur State University is actively developing cooperation with foreign citizens. It maintains close relations with Chinese partner universities.
Learn Russian in Siberia: Tomsk Polytechnic University

Tomsk Polytechnic University provides high quality Russian language courses for international students as part of double degree and academic exchange programs and internships and summer schools.
Best Educational Programs: QUALITY CONTROL
Best Educational Programs: NANOENGINEERING
Best Educational Programs: ECONOMICS
Best Educational Programs: POLITICAL SCIENCE
#internship#university rankings#international relations#exchange program#dual degree#education events#journal#overseas education#foreign student#international recruitment#academic credentials#quality assurance#student mobility#russian students#double degree#staff mobility#enrollment#recruitment agency#summer school#career advancement#partnerships development#education export#postgraduate#cross-institutional cooperation#jobs#research and development #jobs#sponsorship#scholarships and grants#accreditation#consulting and assistance#Статьи#Конкурсы#Летние школы#Изучение русского языка как иностранного