international laboratories
A driver for scientific discoveries and research projects in the south of Russia, one of the leaders in international cooperation among Russian universities. Founded in 1915.
It trains world-class specialists in the field of nanotechnologies, big data, materials sciences, human ecology, soil science, space monitoring of land management, robotics, shipbuilding, journalism, international relations, and many others.
- Campuses in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, 19 dormitories
- Language and cultural centers, a botanic garden, two museums, business incubators
- 22 sports clubs, the Southern Meridian sports and fitness center with a 50-meter swimming pool
- The Culture and Creativity Center, the Student International Club, the Case Club
Tuition fees
Bachelor's and Specialist's programs 138,000 — 260,000 RUB
Master's programs 148,000 — 282,000 RUB
Postgraduate programs 174,000 — 205,000 RUB
A unique project-intensive course "SFedUNet: Solutions for the Future" based on the NTI 20.35 University model.
For ambitious young people who want to unlock their potential, develop promising projects, boost their soft skills and hard skills, get useful contacts, find like-minded people and prospective employers.
VK – @sfedunet
In 2020, 12 SFedU representatives won grants in the amount of 500,000 rubles for the implementation of their projects in the field of end to-end technologies of the digital economy as part of the All-Russian UMNIK-Digital Russia competition.
Vishnu Dayal Rajput, the leading research fellow at the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Evaluation of SFedU. India
The winner of the first postdocs competition at SFedU in 2015 and the Postdoc3 + competition in 2019. Vishnu conducts research in the field of cleaning up soil pollution and improving the ecological situation in the world. He has published 42 articles in Scopus and Web of Science journals and has become one of the ten most productive scientists of SFedU according to Scopus in 2020. Vishnu notes that working in Russia and at SFedU has significantly improved his research results.
Financial Support
- SFedU Rector's scholarship for studying abroad
- An Erasmus+ grant that covers tuition fees, living and travel expenses
A unique educational program on the issues of the innovative and cultural ecosystem of the Azov and the Black Sea region implemented in many areas (water resources, management, soil science, ethnography, etc.).
SFedU students have an opportunity to study for free for a semester or a year as part of exchange programs in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
Sun Chenxi, China
A strong desire to study economics in Russia brought me to SFedU, the best scientific center in the south of Russia. Not only did it give me an opportunity to get high-quality education in Russia, but it also taught me to put my knowledge to use. I found a lot of friends and learnt Russian here. Pursuing my postgraduate studies, I continue getting in-depth knowledge in my field, reading plenty of books in Russian.
Double Degree Programs
2+2 Bachelor’s programs
- Philology, Design / Henan University, China
Master's programs
- Management / Lodz University of Technology, Poland
- Materials Science of Nanosystems / University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
- Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Research Software / Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
- Information Technology Management / University of Computer Science, Cuba
Postgraduate programs
- Mathematics / Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
- Economics / Henan University of Finance, Economics and Law, China
- The joint program in Physics / University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
- Joint supervision in the field of nanotechnologies / University of Turin, Italy
Aygul Kurbanova, Tajikistan
I'm a Master's student at the Faculty of Law. It seems to me that SFedU is a great choice for international students. It boasts comfortable dormitories, good preparatory Russian language courses and a very beautiful botanic garden. Rostov-on-Don amazed me with its sights at once. Also, if you wish, you can work and get good wages here. I think every student will fall in love with this city as I did.
English-Taught Programs
Bachelor's programs
- Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies, course: Theoretical Computer Science and Information Technologies
- Trading, course: International Trade and Logistics
Master's programs
- Applied Mathematics and Informatics, courses: Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes; Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning
- Physics, course: Nanoscale Structure of Materials, course: Nanoscale Structure of Materials
- Informatics and Computation, course: Information Technology Management
- Nanoengineering, course: Nanoengineering and Materials Technology
- Management, course: Management and Production Engineering
- Service and Tourism, course: Ecosystems of Tourism, Service and Hospitality
- Philology, courses: International Studies in the Context of Languages and Cultures; Cross-Cultural Communication and International
- Leadership
- Culture Studies, courses: Russian Cultural Studies; Cross-Cultural Communication and International Leadership
Maria Aslanyan, Armenia
SFedU is a university that not only gives knowledge, but also teaches us to live, pursue our goals. It opened the doors to me both in studies and creativity. I take part in interesting programs, competitions, festivals. SFedU boasts a friendly, joyful and cheerful atmosphere. I feel I'm part of a big family here. Also, it was my privilege to be an ambassador of SFedU in Armenia and be involved in developing the university's international activity.
Integrated Training Program (2 semesters)
- Russian as a foreign language – general Russian language proficiency
- Scientific style of speech
- Subject courses (humanities, economics, natural sciences, engineering, medicine and biology)
The TORFL-1 Russian language exam and exams in major subjects, a certificate.
Tuition fee 105,000 — 174,000 RUB
Summer Language Schools
- The International Interdisciplinary Summer School "Magisterium: A City as Unity in Diversity"
- The Annual International Summer School for Foreign Students "The Russian Language and the Everyday Life Space: Russian Gastronomic Culture"
Gordon Ian Luke and Baars Clara Lynn, Great Britain
We came to SFedU to take Russian language courses. From the very beginning of the semester, we studied interesting subjects such as cultural studies, speech practice, practical grammar, and mass media language. We visited theaters, took part in concerts with other foreigners and traveled a lot all over Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov Region. We'd like to express our deep gratitude to our teachers and all university staff members who made our stay in Rostov-on-Don unforgettable!

The International Language and Culture Summer School – 2019 with the participation of 47 people from 11 countries: Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Mongolia, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Belarus

The Zarnitsa Linguistic and Cross-cultural Quest with the participation of over 80 students from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America

The SFedU Student International Club

The opening of the Syrian Culture Center

At the SFedU Culture and Creativity Center

wikimedia.org / @Irishka1990
Rostov-on-Don in the evening
PreviousNextAdmissions Office
+7 863 218-40-24
Division Of Russian As A Foreign Language And General Courses For International Students (preparatory Department)
Irina N. Savchenkova
+7 863 219-97-55