
№ 1 (5) 2020
Dagestan State Technical University. Acquaintance
Dagestan State Technical University is a big educational, scientific and cultural center of the south of Russia. The university trains competent managers, soughtafter architects, civil engineers and professionals in many other areas.

№ 1 (5) 2020
Discovering Russia. Dagestan
Dagestan is considered the Russia's most ethnically diverse region. Over 80 ethnic groups and nationalities live there.

№ 1 (5) 2020
Irkutsk National Research Technical University. Acquaintance
The leading research university in Eastern Siberia. The university is ranked among TOP 20 best Russian universities by IT graduate salary.

№ 1 (5) 2020
Baikal State University. Acquaintance
Baikal State University is the one of the best educational organizations in Russia in the field of law, economics and management, the center of attraction for international students.

Russia Welcomes Guests
Описание: Studying in Russia can become a start for an outstanding career. Russian universities offer each student self-fulfillment opportunities and career prospects.

№ 1 (5) 2020
Discovering Russia. Irkutsk Region
In recent years, the number of international students choosing the Irkutsk Region as a study destination has been increasing rapidly. Irkutsk alone has over 7,000 students from 40 countries.