Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education
Bachelor’s programme
Specialist’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

STAROSVETSKAYA, Natalya Alekseevna
HEI’s image. Graduates of V. Astafiev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University are demanded specialists and highly qualified teachers and psychologists, which are capable of solving professional tasks at a high level. The field of graduates’ activity includes education, social sphere, healthcare and culture.
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University also offers best educational programs in Pedagogical Education:
Programme presentation. Education in the study programme is carried out within the profile “Psychology and Pedagogics of Education of Gifted Children”. The educational process is built taking into account innovative educational technologies and implies module-rating system of teaching, methods of active social and psychological education, trainings, interactive technologies, case methods, etc.
Students are involved in research work and participate in national and international conferences and Olympiads.
Teaching staff. Over 80% of the teaching staff of the Institute have academic degrees of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. The teachers have published more than 400 research papers including the papers authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF. Research works and manuals of the teachers were recognized by the
Besides, the staff of the institute takes part in the development of the programmes “Research and Pedagogical Staff of Innovative Russia” within historical and pedagogical area “Psychological Features of the Educational Area of Children with Special Educational Needs”.
Competitiveness of students. The University takes the 4th place among pedagogical HEIs of Russia for the average passing grade (as of 2013). Students take an active part in research, cultural, volunteer, sport and labour union activity. Student self-government is developing rapidly. The best students are awarded the grants of V.P. Astafiev and L.V. Yablokova. Prospective teachers and psychologists participate successfully in professional contests.
Interaction with employers. In cooperation with employers the HEI conducts national and international events: conferences, professional contests and master-classes.