Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Institute of Arts
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

MOZGOT, Valery Georgievich
Professor of the Departmentof Theory and History of Musicand Musical Education Methodology
HEI’s image.
Programme presentation. Delivery of the basic educational double degree programme in “Music” and “Further education in the Field of Specialized Musical Pedagogics” is based on the practice-oriented approach, determined by mastering performance skills, necessary for modern school teachers in Music. The Master’s degree programme “Musical Culture and Art” has been delivered since 2013. Special attention is paid to research into specialized musical pedagogics. Education in the profile “Fine Art” is aimed at the implementation of various methods of teaching in fine, decorative and applied arts as well as of the techniques of folk-craft in the educational process of schools.
The Pedagogical Education program is also offered by the Faculty of Pedagogics and Psychology, the Faculty of Natural Science and the Institute of Physical Education and Judo.
Teaching staff. The Programme is delivered by 22 teachers, including four Doctors and 18 Candidates of Sciences, three teachers with honourary titles of
The teachers are honoured with numerous awards at prestigious contests (International Photo Contest “Berega
Competitiveness of students is evidenced by the victories at contests in Albena (