Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Faculty of Primary Education
Master’s programme

YUDENKO, Yulia Romanovna
HEI’s image. Graduates of the Master’s programme “Innovative Primary Education” obtain competencies in the field of general, secondary vocational and higher education and in pedagogical sciences. Wide range of teachers’ research interests and a traditional practical focus of the educational process allows covering all spheres of training, which meet the highest requirements of the modern school.
Graduates of the Faculty are prize winners of regional and national contests, participants and finalists of the Russian contest “Teacher of the Year”, honoured workers of education of the
Programme presentation. The educational process is mainly aimed at the improvement of teaching quality based on the activity approach and at the formation of professional competence of students. It is now possible due to the following factors: establishment of the system of students’ independent work; development of modulerating system of education; availability of teaching materials for all disciplines; using active teaching methods, ICT, project activity, etc. The Faculty has two research laboratories, innovation and research testing site and two research and educational complexes based on regional schools and kindergartens.
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University also offers other best educational programs: Pedagogical Education (History), Psychological and Pedagogical Education.
Teaching staff. The programme is delivered by highly qualified teaching staff, among which there are Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, professors and assistant professors. The Faculty of Primary Education annually publishes teaching materials. The teachers are resident and external experts of various methodological associations, contests, school conferences, etc.
Competitiveness of students. From the first year of training students take part in re-search which is conducted at the Faculty. Under the guidance of teachers students write course and graduation works and participate in national and international conferences. Authors of the best research compete in student contests and often enter a postgraduate programme within which they successfully continue their research activity.
Interaction with employers. The Faculty actively cooperates with city and regional research institutes, schools and kindergartens. Students implement social projects, present them at regional and national exhibitions and take top places. Conferences, Olympiads and exhibitions are held in cooperation with partners-employers.